Why we are Better than our Grandmothers

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Dec 18, 2012  
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We are definitely better off than our grandmothers and mothers. Not because of anything else, but modern medicines have definitely become a blessing in disguise for us. We can choose what we want be it a C-section or a normal delivery.


Each and every stage of our pregnancy is well monitored. I remember when I was carrying I had to undergo ultrasounds, including a live 4-D one which keeps a tap on everything from fingers and toes to spinal discs.


Iron, calcium and folic acid are a must companion for today’s pregnant women. By taking this regularly you will not have anemia, bone weakness and the intake of folic acid takes care of the foetus.


I remember when I had delivered my son, I was just unable to go through the labour pain so I requested an epidural and it was a complete bliss. Labour was quicker and easier and I was able to push my baby out without any pain. Many of my friends have gone for planned C-section which has drastically reduced the chances of maternal or child deaths.


Our grandmothers and great grandmothers didn’t have the option of contraception, with the result that women bore at least four to five children. In 1957, the greatest invention was the birth control pills and life has become so much simple we now can plan our pregnancy.


 Breast Cancer is one disease which was detected twenty years back after it had spread along the body. There is so much information available on the net about this disease. We have come to know that there are a lot of things   such as unhealthy lifestyle, genetic and late child birth which can lead to breast cancer. So we have become aware and any lump that we can feel we rush to the doctor for check up. We have become so much concerned about our health that we have started making lifestyle changes, we have started eating healthy and we have started exercising as well.





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