When your Back Pains

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Nov 17, 2011  
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Back pain is one thing that is very common after child birth. My friend was suffering from back pain after the birth of her child. Whenever she used to get this pain she used to pop in pain killers or used to apply heat compress. The pain used to go temporarily, but re-surfaced in a couple of months. When she showed herself to the doctor, the doctor explained to her that after pregnancy a woman needs to tone herself because the muscles that may have bloated have weakened. So walk and do some stretching and conditioning exercises when you feel a little better and when your child gets scheduled.


Chronic back pains have become part and parcel of every woman’s life and we tend to ignore it and go on popping pain killers. It has been seen that women more than men bear the pain, till it interferes with their normal routine. By the time they reach for expert help, sometimes after three or four months, the pain can be termed chronic. They keep treating them by just popping painkillers. It is always better to seek treatment sooner or later. Research has shown that chronic pain can also lead to depression and even shrink your brain.


The biggest mistake we do is we think about surgery before therapy. Lower back pain generally does not benefit from surgery. Therapy is better than surgery. There are many who are scared of taking pain killers because they think that they might get addicted to it. They also worry about getting gastritis, stomach ulcers, acidity or kidney damage. When you take pain killers under medical supervision then it will not damage your other organs.


When you have a back pain, you don’t feel like exercising because you feel that it might hurt your back even more. But sore muscles and overall stiffness can benefit from mild or moderate exercise and stretching. But don’t be over ambitious when you are exercising. Always begin slow o give your body time to adjust.


If your body cannot take painkillers because of side effects then consider alternative treatments. Herbal therapies are not without side effects and they may interfere with other medicines, so consult a doctor before taking them.


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