Weight Loss - 2

Posted by Trupti Shirole on Thu, Oct 28, 2010  
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This is a continuation of my previous blog on weight loss. If you follow all these steps sincerely you will surely shed those extra pounds.


Step 5: Eat multiple small meals


Instead of having 2/3 heavy meals, eat smaller meals throughout the day. This helps to keep up your metabolism. Avoid keeping a gap of more than 4 hours between two meals.


What you could do is note down your total daily required calorie intake. Women can then divide it by 5 and for men by 6. You can then plan your meals accordingly. If this is not possible then you can have 3 larger meals with a snack in between each meal. You can have another snack 2-3 hours before bedtime. 


Step 6: Have your breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper! 


You must have heard this several times before. To maximize your fat loss you should taper not only your calorie but also your carbohydrate intake throughout the day. Skipping breakfast is not a good idea. Most of us do the exact opposite of this. In a hurry we tend to skip our meals and before we realize this its noon. This STARVING causes us to over-indulge and consume way too many calories at lunch. After a busy day at work we return home and enjoy a big family dinner.


Have healthy breakfast like oatmeal, fruits, milk etc. Include salad in your diet. See to it that your dinner is lighter and easy to digest.


Step 7: Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol/colas/sweetened beverages.


Have 8-10 glasses of water daily. It keeps the body hydrated and helps you to get rid of toxins. Also if you are following a higher protein diet program, water will help you to flush out the metabolic by-products of your diet.


Sweetened beverages are one of the key elements to weight gain. They have zero nutritive value and add extra calories to your diet. Instead have water or any fresh fruit juice. But while having fruit juices note the sugar content of these juices.


Alcohol is a carbohydrate and calorie rich beverage. Make sincere efforts to avoid it.


Step 8: Don’t forget to MAINTAIN your weight once you have lost it.


As I have mentioned previously, if you follow the diet and exercise program faithfully you will certainly lose weight. The most difficult part for many is to avoid weight gain again. Don’t go back to your previous eating habits and indulge in eating calorie rich food.


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