Ways That Couples Spend Time Together For Better Emotional Health

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Tue, Apr 13, 2010  
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Couples married for a few years with children do not realize the need for quality time with one another where they can renew and refresh their feelings of intimacy for each other. However some may complain that they hardly have any time left after their activities of the day to spend time with each other. Family counselors feel that it is very essential for a couple to spend some quality time with each other. This time could contribute to the strength and longevity of the couple and their success in other relationships too contributing to the couple’s good emotional health.


Spending quality time with each other only requires wise time management strategies with a bit of forethought. The first tip regarding finding time to spend with each other starts with the morning. The couple could easily set the alarm 15 minutes earlier and get up. They could brew coffee together and have a relaxing time in each other’s company before they race out to do the other chores like getting the children ready to go to school while they get ready to rush to work.


The next tip that may seem quite outrageous for a couple married for 5 years and more could be to pack the children to their grand parents and/take a shower together. Yes, it would be wonderful to ignite the spark of emotions between both of you and remind you of your honeymoon days.  Going for a swim in a community pool together would be a great way of exercising, rejuvenating and spending time together. Besides a quite lunch or dinner or even a cup of coffee that is leisurely savored would be great.


A couple could schedule quality time together by doing the outside chores and housekeeping together: like hitting 2 birds with a single stone. They could do housekeeping jobs like dusting and cleaning in close proximity so that they could talk and discuss ideas while going along with their chores. Quality time can be spent outside the house in your lawn and garden; when as one mows the lawn the other can weed the flowerbeds. You would love sharing views as well as enjoy pulling each other’s legs, as passing romantic comments and making other romantic gestures while completing tasks. 


It would be real fun as well as precious quality time if a couple prepared meals together. As one prepared the salad, the other could prepare the main dish. The task of preparing the other side dishes and the dessert could also be shared and done together giving time to unwind also.  In addition, shopping for groceries, vegetables, fruits and clothes could be done together giving chance to air ones views about purchases that can be made and preparing the ground for joint decisions with spending quality time together. Yes, ending the shopping trip with a lunch, dinner or coffee in a restaurant would be great to trip of quality time together. 


Yes, your spouse and you can spend quality time at the end of the day or a weekend relaxing by listening to soft music, or even just reading individual magazines together during your own time. The fact that you are together is enough and both of you could easily recharge your batteries. Besides taking your dog for a walk and taking a baby for a stroller ride can be done together. Just a session of stretching out your legs or exercising together could help provide quality time. Your children could also be included in family bike rides or all of you could even go on a roller coaster. 


To conclude, couples, who love each other can follow various ways by which they can spend quality time together. Yes couples should spend quality time together to appreciate each one’s uniqueness and to learn about each one’s likes and dislikes and changing tastes and priorities. It is true that the strong bond of a couple is based a lot on spending quality time together.


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