Posted by santhosh nair on Fri, Mar 2, 2012  
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Infertility means a couple inabilities to become pregnant after well timed unprotected intercourse. This is mainly due to hormonal dysfunction. The sexual organs start malfunction because of unhealthy life style, genetic disorder or even stress. In alternative medicines the infertility can be treated effectively with acupressure.

Acupressure is an alternative medicine method  applying pressure to the key areas of the body known as pressure points and rubbing vigorously before releasing that pressure.

Basically hormonal dysfunction is the main reason for infertility. Acupressure can rejuvenate and cure this dysfunction. This is a process of applying pressure on the certain body points that helps to enhance the energy flow to the affected organ

ACUPRESSURE POINTS FOR INFERTILTY: Most of the points of acupressure for infertility are located at the backside of your body. The main points are,

  1. Sacral points
  2. Sea of vitality
  3. Bubbling spring
  4. Sea of energy
  5. Gate of origin
  6. Mansion cottage
  7. Rushing door
  8. Three mile point
  9. Bigger stream

Sacral points: this point is located on the sacrum of your back bone. Acupressure in this point might helps you curing impotency in men and malfunctioning of the reproductive organ.

Sea of vitality: These points are situated at the lower back region. Curing of premature ejaculation and strengthening the inner wall of the uterus are the some benefits of these points.

Bubbling springs: Located in the middle of the sole of the each foot. It can also cure impotency and hot flashes.

Sea of energy: This is situated just below the belly button, these points strengthens the reproductive organ of the body.

Origin gate: This is also situated just below the belly button of our body. It helps to curing impotency in men and it also helps to regulate the menstrual cycle in women and formation o f their reproductive organ.

Mansion cottage: Located at the pelvic region and it is associated with the impotency in male and hormonal dysfunction.

Rushing door: this point is located at the crease of the pelvic region where the leg and trunk meet.

Three mile point: this is located around the knee cap, this point is associated with the  strengthening of the muscles in the pelvic region and enhance the endocrine system.

Bigger stream: located either side of the foot, in between the ankle bone and Achilles tendon. This point is associated with the curing of premature ejaculation and increases the sexual activity.


When applying pressure on the specific acupressure point be relaxed and stand straight. It is essential that the points are located accurately.

The ridge of the ear located underneath the upper bone is important points for treating infertility. Use the finger and thumb of the both hands to pinch the area and massage after pinching. This point helps to strengthen the fallopian tube and the uterus.

The amount of pressure depends on the location of the point and conditions of the body. Pressure applied on the points of belly button and points on the soles are varying. So it is essential that a professional technician is consulted for acupressure for infertility related problems.


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  • avatar
    Thursday, September 24, 2015 SaritaTeotia

    Very Nice blog. Your Blog "TREATMENT OF INFERTILITY WITH ACUPRESSURE" is very useful. Thanks for share Santhosh ji.

  • avatar
    Monday, March 5, 2012 Dr.Sheetal

    This is the good information. I think along with infertility medical treatment ,Accupressure will provide benefits too.

  • avatar
    Sunday, March 4, 2012 drketanvagholkar

    I would like to know the therapeutic statistics of this treatment modality especially with reference to failures.

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