The Balancing Act of being a Mother

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Aug 23, 2011  
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We all know how life changes after having a baby and we realize this only after having a baby. You become a slave to the pink bubble blowing creature all cuddled up in your arms.

Life is full of activities for all of us, but more so for the women who have a full-time career and a new born to take care of. You have to finish off with your regular cooking, cleaning, taking care of the house along with feeding and sleepless nights. Managing all this and then getting back to work is definitely difficult. So it is time to organize your life.


With the arrival of a newborn in the house you will definitely have sleepless nights, so catch up with short naps with the baby when he or she is sleeping. Newborns generally have a tendency to sleep during the day and remain awake in the nights. It is very important for a new mother to take rest.


Instruct your spouse clearly and firmly that you need his constant help when he is at home. Train your maid well so that if there is an emergency and you have to go out,she should baby sit your new born for some time.


Try to take out at least half an hour for your self. Do whatever you enjoy most or gives you some peace of mind. You can meditate, read a book, sit in the garden or balcony for sometime or enjoy your cup of tea with a magazine. I am not telling you to go and dance in the night club, but definitely you can go for a pedicure or facial when the baby is sleeping. I have seen many of my friends suffering from pre-natal depression mainly because they do not find time for themselves and they are unable to cope up with the complete change of life.


When you get back to work you need to start organizing your life all the more.  Before going to bed make it s habit to arrange all the baby clothes, diapers, towels at one place. Plan it the night before whatever attire you wish to wear in office.  Do not forget to eat your breakfast. Though keep it as simple as possible like a bowl of cereal and milk with nuts and fruits or may be brown bread and egg. Do all the planning over the week end. Tell your husband to do the grocery shopping since you need to spend some time with your child.


Try to keep a relaxed mind. Don’t take too many tensions about the office work. With a new baby in the house and you getting back to work, your house may not be spotlessly clean, but try to accept that.










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