Sun Shine and Yoga

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sat, Jul 13, 2013  
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Sun Bath: Begin the sunshine workout with this refreshing posture. Stand facing the sun, eyes closed, feel the warmth of the rays on the eyelids. Swing from hips on either side like a limp doll moving only from head and torso. Do 25 movements.


Flint Stone Asana: Lie straight on the grass, legs stretched out completely. Bring the fingers to ushas mudra, place your hand behind your head and strength. Rub ankle bones together. Do it for a count of 15. This posture helps release mental negativity, harmonizes the hormonal system and brings about brain alertness.


The Pawan Mukt Asana: Lie on your back with legs straight. Inhale and raise right leg so that the knee comes close to the chest. Clasp the leg with both hands and stay on this position for a count of 10. Repeat with the other legs three times. Keep in mind to breathe normally all the workout. It is an excellent remedy for those suffering from constipation and chronic flatulence since this position gently massages abdominal organs. It releases stiffness in the hips, legs thighs and stomach and is a good flex position from neck to toe.


Vajra Asana: Kneel on the grass keeping knees together and heels apart. Big toes should gently touch your rear and hips should rest on flared heels. Keep palms on thighs and remain so at least five minutes. This posture keeps the digestive system and the spine healthy.


Ardh Matsyendra Asana: Sit erect, place right foot flat on the floor outside the left knee. Bend the left leg to the right and place the left heel against the right buttock. Place left arm outside the right leg and with left hand hold the right angle. Turn to the right and twist the torso as far as possible.  


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