Summer Round the Corner

Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Fri, Mar 1, 2013  
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The winter has passed by and its summer peeping inside. Very soon the climate will be changed to scorching heat and sweat. Its time to change the food habits and drinking pattern. Remember to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day to prevent any hazardous health issues.


One might think that preventing the exposure from sun and applying sunscreen are the most important things to do this summer. It’s not just that. One needs to remember that it is highly important to drink plenty of water to replenish the skin and prevent dehydration. One can include fluids such as tender coconut water, buttermilk, lemon juices and fresh juices etc. It is good to avoid coffee and aerated drinks, as they tend to affect the hydration level.


Wearing loose clothes that allow free air circulation is important and at the same time it is also needed to prevent the skin from exposure to direct sun as it causes tanning and cell damage. Choose light colors than dark ones, as they prevent the absorption of heat. Some even prefer to apply sunscreen lotions that might prove effective.


Also remember, it is best to eat less spicy foods and foods that are easy to digest. This helps to reduce the increase in body heat due to metabolism. Diet that consists of food items rich in water content needs to be included along with a whole range of salads and fruits. This also helps to safeguard the hydration level of the body.


Spend time in the mornings and evenings for exercise that helps to replenish the system. This way one feels relaxed and energetic. Hydrate yourself with glucose mixed in water after every exercise session.


Do not forget to wear a hat or carry your umbrella while out in the sun during the day. This way one can protect them from direct sun hitting on the skin. This is because, too much of UV rays on the skin can cause skin cancers.


So follow the right methods and feel healthy this summer.


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