Stress and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Jul 20, 2011  
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Stress has become a part and parcel of our life and we all know that it can lead to a number of diseases. It can lead to physical as well as emotional and psychological problems. Stress in the long run can lead to heart diseases, diabetes and kidney failure.


Major heart problems starts from stress. It increases the blood pressure which increases the cholesterol level which in turn can lead to clogging of arteries and ultimately cardiac failure. 30 percent of all heart diseases are mainly because of stress.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) helps in altering the thought process to help cope better with stress and in turn will reduce the risk of heart attacks.  CBT helps in changing the way you think about a certain thing and which in turn helps you in feeling better about yourself. CBT is an effective treatment for mental and emotional disturbances. But one should be very cautious while choosing the therapist. While choosing a therapist see if your rapport matches with him and there should be a trust between the therapist and the patient.  While the treatment is going on patients should be cooperative and should be willing to take active part in it.


Those who do not have specific behavioural problems CBT may not be suitable for them. People in India generally have a tendency to attach a stigma to any kind of psychological problems. Those who go to a psychologist are generally labeled as mad. So the person suffering from stress feel scared to go to a therapist. But we should be strong enough to get over this fear and overcome this stigma before stress kills us.



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