Say Goodbye to Dry Hands

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Aug 23, 2013  
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Harsh weather it extreme winter or extreme cold can leave your hands dull and flaky. The cuticles suffer a lot during the harsh winters and summers because they tend to dry up and they can pull away the whole nail bed, making it prone to infection. You can apply any petroleum jelly or lip balm to keep it supple.


Small fissures around the knuckles and nail bed can also be a sign of extreme dryness. Cracks get infected very fast if not treated properly. Any lotion will help your skin supple and soft. Eliminating germs on your hands is the best way to keep from getting sick. But alcohol based sanitizers strip away moisture. Instead use a cleanser with nourishing ingredients.


If you have to wash utensils then it is advisable to slip into a pair of rubber gloves. Dish soap is harsh on skin, especially around your nails and cuticles. It washes away natural oil. When you are travelling in the car warm air blasting or the cool air conditioners can actually make your hands dry. So always keep a cream in the car.


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