Raw Milk versus Pasteurized Milk

Posted by Anshul Vaidya on Thu, Sep 17, 2015  
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Pasteurized milk Vs Raw milk


Distinction between raw milk and pasteurized milk has been centre of apprehension between medical practitioners, pediatricians and microbiologist. The milk as a household commodity has stayed with humans for centuries.


Raw Milk Benefits


Raw milk is certified nutritional source of Calcium, citrate, chlorine, phosphate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, biotin, niacin, Thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and foliates. All these constituents are present in bio-available forms. 


Raw milk is an abundant source of protein molecules including bio-enzymes lipases and phosphatase, digestive enzyme molecule, growth factors and immune-globins. Raw milk contains higher quotient of conjugated linoleic acid CLA and un-oxidized cholesterol that extend immunity against cancer molecule and promote general body metabolism.


An European study-- GABRIELA study, have provided data, to support raw milk’s ability to relieve asthma, autism and allergies condition in males. 


On the contrary some people have been reported to experience a medical condition upper respiratory congestion, when kept on a raw milk diet. 


Other studies provide medical inference on A1 and A2 category milk based at position of amino acid proline, in protein chain structure of raw milk. The A1 and A2 milk has shown preferential interaction with other protein moiety called BCM7, which prevents the release of A2 milk through binding between proline amino acid and BCM7. The proline is replaced by histidine protein molecule in A1 milk, that leads to release of BCM7 creating a havoc in body physiology. 


Pasteurization process


Typical pasteurization machinery would have a setup to evaluate the fat content after transit from collection point to the assembly machinery. The milk so collected is heated to temperature range 145 degrees to 150 degrees F for half an hour, which is then maintained at steady temperature range of 55 degree F. The modern pasteurization machinery comprises a steel tanks connected by steel pipes containing tri-layer internal structure. The hot milk is passed through innermost layer, which is covered by layer rubber jacket, placed between the inner most and outer steel layer. Hot steam is passed through outermost assembly and rubber jacket layer. The sharp increase in temperature is followed by sudden cooling is compression chamber, next to this heating apparatus.


Limitation of pasteurization


On a contrary side the germicidal effect of pasteurization, is not able to destroy typhoid, E. Coli, salmonella and tuberculosis bacterium, even at higher pasteurization temperature. The side effects of pasteurization is other extreme state of sterilization, where-in beneficial germs are also destroyed. The nutritional deficient is evident in pasteurized state of milk, caused by destruction of nutrients, present naturally in raw milk. 


The over-heating of raw milk destroys Vit D, Vit C, Vit B12, Vit B6 component present in human milk, and leads to conversion of lactose sugar into beta-lactose state in milk. This biochemical conversion turns up solubility of milk and absorption in human intestine. The average destruction of iodine component present in milk during pasteurization, can lead to higher instances deficiency symptoms in children.


Pasteurized milk benefits


The cycle of heating with steam flow and sudden cooling, is able to bring pasteurization effects that destroys bacteria lactobacillus sp. and other microbial agents listeria sp.Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, gathered in milk during collection process.  Another hygienic factor in favor of pasteurization process, is the ability to tone-down, the fat-content through pasteurization and associated raw milk processing machinery.


Pasteurized Milk Limitation


Pasteurized milk is criticized on counts of enzyme destruction, absence of vitamin nutrients, a reduced or fragile milk protein content after completion of pasteurization cycle. As a rule of thumb, unpasteurized milk or cream, soft cheese, yogurt, pudding, ice cream or frozen yogurt are avoidable food items not safe to consume. 


When in doubt, ask your physician on right dairy food item that you should cook, eat and serve…


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