Premature Menopause

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Aug 26, 2013  
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Premature menopause is also called Premature Ovarian Failure.  Premature menopause is the cessation of menses because the ovaries stop functioning even before you hit thirty.  Chemotherapy or pelvic radiation treatment for cancer can damage the ovaries.


Surgical removal of ovaries and uterus can cause menopause right away. Women with a family history of premature menopause and enzyme defects are more likely to have early onset of menopause. Chromosome defects such as Turner’s syndrome can lead to premature menopause. Tuberculosis, smoking and drugs like prolonged induction of multiple ovulations in infertility can lead to premature menopause. There is no way to reverse premature menopause. HRT or hormonal Replacement Theory can reduce the early onset of osteoporosis and heart diseases.


Premature menopause can be devastating for women who are in the child bearing are unable to conceive.  HRT may help women suffering from premature menopause and seeking to have children. Eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps in pre venting premature menopause. Quit smoking and drink alcohol only in moderation. Do not forget to take your calcium.


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