Praise can do wonders

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sat, Mar 26, 2011  
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Sincere praise can do wonders. We can give our children praise and attention to get the behaviour we want from them.  It is not very hard to praise anybody and neither it is hard to take praise from anybody. Praises can give motivation to people. For some it is like a requirement with out which they do not get the drive to work.


But sometimes people too cannot take praises or compliments. For them accepting complements becomes like a big responsibility. For women accepting compliments is tougher because they find it tough to accept recognition. When it comes to praise in the wok place, most employees complain that they do not merely feel that they are not being praised, but sometimes the situation is such that they feel simply ignored.


When it comes to children too sincere praises can do wonders. Instead of giving them negative criticism, it is sometimes very important to praise them to morally boost them up. Children too have a lot of self esteem. Sit and try to find out the qualities that you appreciate in your child. When you identify the qualities give him some praise and admiration. When you are aware of your child’s qualities reinforce that quality by telling him that you admire it. Positive parenting can work wonders.


Companionship too thrives on praise. Psychologist, Dr. Anjali Chabria says, “Couples who are able to praise each other and enjoy each other’s good fortune are more satisfies, have more intimacy, love and trust and are more likely to stay together longer.” For some praise just does not come naturally. If that is the situation push your self to give one compliment a day and see how it works.


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