Power Food to Heal Diabetes

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Oct 28, 2011  
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For decades, doctors have been searching for a diet that could defeat and reverse diabetes. For diabetes care and prevention, it is important to have foods with low glycaemic index (GI). High GI can lead to over production of insulin and contribute to weight gain. Low GI carbs cause less insulin secretion, resulting in greater satiety and fewer calories consumed throughout the day.


Foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar are given in higher index. Eating highly processed foods, such as breads made from refined white flour, raises blood sugar higher and faster than eating whole foods, such as whole wheat bread and apple.


You should eat more of beans. They are very low in fat, devoid of cholesterol and high in soluble fibre, calcium and iron. Cook them up for breakfast or for lunch and dinner.


Oatmeal helps to keep blood sugar under control and its high fibre content helps you to lose weight. Oats don’t contain cholesterol or animal fat and they are loaded with soluble fibre to bring your cholesterol level down. They also top the list of low-GI foods. Choose the old fashioned kind instead of the instant varieties. Old fashioned oatmeal contain instant grains- the more the grain, the lower the GI and longer the cereal keeps you satisfied.


Chickpeas are great at holding your blood sugar steady and have all the benefits of other bean based dishes. It is also a very popular sandwich feeling. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables as they are loaded with vitamins and have no fat or cholesterol. But those with high blood sugar should avoid potatoes, custard apples, bananas and even pineapples. Keep apples, oranges and other low GI-fruits on hand.


Consume lots of lentils in soups. Green tea is loaded with anti-oxidants and polyphenols. Together they ensure that your heart keeps ticking right and that your blood pressure is under control which is a great concern for people suffering from high blood sugar.


If you are suffering from high blood sugar you should have more of barley and brown rice. Use skimmed milk or a double-toned variety instead of whole milk for tea and coffee. Eat egg whites and select more of chicken and fish based food over mutton, pork and beef. Limit eating white sauce, tartar sauce and cheese based dishes. Use refined vegetable oil instead of vanaspati, butter and ghee for cooking.


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