Obtaining Natural Control of High Blood Pressure Levels

Posted by Matthew on Mon, Jun 29, 2009  
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Obtaining Natural Control of High Blood Pressure Levels
By: Rodger Bailey

When you have high blood pressure levels (hypertension), you need to do some things to get your hypertension under control. If you are looking for natural control of your blood pressure readings, you will need to make changes in many aspects of your way of living. This is referred to as a lifestyle change. With lifestyle modification, you can obtain natural control of your high blood pressure levels.


Lifestyle changes usually mean a change in the way you eat, activity level, relationships, and your level of stress. For most people, it is a challenge to consider this significant a change in the way we live. And, when you have hypertension, the threat of severe medical and physical problems is so frightening that many of us are able to make these kinds of changes and we are able to maintain a deep decision to making this kind of change in our lifestyle.


What Is The Basis Of These Changes?

High Blood Pressure is understood to be a modern cultural disorder. It is because we are living a modern lifestyle. People who are living in simpler conditions usually do not have high blood pressure levels. They eat naturally grown foods, they walk instead of riding in trains, their work is physical instead of sedentary. Their play is outside instead of watching TV and playing computer games. They use natural techniques instead of manufactured drugs when they are ill. They have natural control of their high blood pressure levels.


We who live in modern cultures may think of those less modern cultures as an inappropriate lifestyle for ourselves, but those people are healthier than us. Perhaps there is something that they are doing which is healthier than our modern cultural lifestyle?


Modifying The Way We Eat

If you have hypertension and you want to control your high blood pressure levels, your doctors will tell you to eat more fresh organic foods and fewer prepackaged foods. They tell you to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They tell you to eat less meat. This certainly sounds like what those who are living in less modern lifestyles are consuming.


Modifying Your Levels Of Activity

If you must control your high blood pressure levels, your medical advisor will be telling you to do physical activity every day. This means walking or playing sports on an intense schedule. This would mean a more physical approach to work and recreation than we normally have done in our modern culture. This all actually sounds like the kinds of physical activities that those in less modern cultures are involved in every day.


Changing Our Relationships

If your relationships are currently engaged in by phone, instant messaging, or emails, then you would need to modify how you relate so that your interactions are more face-to-face. This means you go to where those people are, or you work side-by-side with them so that your relationships become more direct and involve more activity instead of a sedentary and long distance approach.


Modifying Your Levels Of Stress

If you are constantly stressed, and you have high blood pressure, your physical and emotional lifestyle is an open invitation for heart attack or stroke. To become more healthy, you have to change your attitude, your expectations, and your emotions to lower your stress levels. This involves becoming more synchronized with the seasons of the calendar and more tuned into the cycles of the land. It means becoming less concerned with the schedules of your projects at your job and more aligned with nature.


Modifying How You Live Your Life

In order for you to make this lifestyle change, so you have a natural control of your blood pressure readings, you first have to find alternatives for your current cultural norms. You have to make sure you walk instead of ride. You have to start buying or growing fresh foods and preparing them for yourself instead of buying prepared foods in the supermarket or in restaurants. You have to make sure you go outside and play. If you want to have a healthy lifestyle and healthy blood pressure levels, you must decide to make these lifestyle changes for yourself. You can have natural control of your blood pressure readings



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