Neem benefits for you

Posted by Krishna Bora on Wed, Jan 29, 2014  
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Neem has been the centre of medicines and herbs in Indian medicines. There are many ways you can use neem for your many problems. Here are some in this blog how to use neem for medicinal purposes:


1. Boil a concoction of about 10-20 neem leaves in a kettle with half litre of water until they get discoulored and soft, and the water turns green. This solution works as a skin toner. You can wipe your face with this every night to get rid of scars, blackheads, and pigmentation.


2. If you have a very sensitive skin, and it is present all over your face, dilute neem oil with water and apply on your face. Do not use more than 2-3 drops of the neem oil.


3. Add a little juice of the neem oil to your wounds to get rid of infection. Neem juice acts as a perfect sterilizer.


4. Take 10 neem leaves and boil them in half litre of water with peel of orange, and apply on the acne breakouts of relief from pain and reduce them from further growing.


5. Eating at least two leaves of neem a day with water makes your skin look younger and clearer.


6. Grind few leaves of neem and apply on your pimples to cure them and prevent them from growing further.


7. Neem powder and lemon juice is an excellent combination to treat oily skin and control excess secretion of oil from your facial skin.


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