My mommy coolest

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Dec 23, 2010  
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Just because you are a mother does not mean that you have to be stern all the time. In fact the cooler you are the chances are wider for you to be appreciated as a mom.

 Every single mom these days wants to be treated like the coolest mom ever. Here are a few tips to be the coolest mom in town:

 STEP INTO THEIR WORLD: Know their fashions, their idols and what their latest must have gadget is and spend some time learning how to operate it. Follow the sports they do and pick up the right terms for the game. Learn their lingo and occasionally use it in front of them and see how surprised they are.

 TREAT YOUR CHILDREN WITH RESPECT: “Always remember that each child is different and do not compare them with their siblings or even their friends for it lowers their self esteem. Treat them with attention and importance,” says psychologist Dr. Anjali Chabria. Never put them down. They have a very delicate sense of self esteem and are easily embarrassed. If you belittle them in front of others he or she will grow up to be a resentful adult.

 DRAW A LINE: Do not always interfere in kid’s matters. Give them the freedom to solve their own problems and their own disputes. Only when they come to you for help try and find a solution to it.  Trust your children, but at the same time keep a watch on his activities. Keep a watch on his net activities.too.

TALK ABOUT SEX: “Do tell your child that you trust him and it is their responsibility to stay within their boundaries. Let them know your stance on teenage sex and tell them that they need to follow your rules as long as they are grown up enough and live in your house, “ says Dr. Ruby Bhatia.

 DISCUSS MONEY MATTERS: Teach them the value of money and give them a treat when they are deserved to be treated. Don’t shower them with gifts which they will not value and take it as their birth right.

SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH THEM: Spend quality time with your kids. Go for a nature walk with them and play a sports that they enjoy and help him out with his puzzles. Do some drawing with him or may be read out a story if he enjoys these activities.

 BELIEVE IN THEIR POTENTIAL: “Always show a child that you know about his potential and that you have full faith in his ability. Do not discourage them. If he has some short comings do not unnecessarily pressurize him, rather guide him in the right direction in a positive way,” says Suparna Sinha, a school teacher and a mother of a fourteen year old girl. Show your kid that you love them and that your whole world revolves around them Give them a kiss or a hug and even wipe their tears and always be there for them when ever they need you.

 You don’t need to look young and beautifil to be acool mom.  All you need to be is a sensible, friendly and approachable mother. Don’t forget to be there for them whenever they need you because once your child grows up and leaves the nest you will never get this time back. So, enjoy being a mom!






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