More Money better Sex

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Mar 31, 2011  
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Does money enhance sexual experiences? Do the well-heeled lead more adventurous and exotic sex lives? Is wealth indeed an aphrodisiac?


Well the Beatles did sing about how money can’t buy love. But, recent surveys suggest that it can definitely get you better sex.


“Women get attracted towards a rich men, not merely because he is loaded and keep them in relative comfort, but also because money brings with it power and confidence and self assurance which is often irresistible. This extends to the bedroom as well,” says relationship therapist Dr. Seema Hingorani.


Is it because the loaded guy is smoother with his wooing? Or is it because he is perceived as a bigger catch than your regular guy clocking time as an office assistant and living from pay cheque to pay cheque? Ask any woman who has fallen for her boss. The man in power is definitely attractive. It is something that comes from innate female needs of wanting an alpha male to take care of her and her brood of cubs.


Even in this age, when women are making enough and more to pay the mortgage and the EMIs and run their own kitchens, if not cook in them, the promise of a man who can handle it all is magnetic. Read this line from the Al Pacino gangster flick, Scarface, “In this country you gotta make money first. Then when you get the money you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”


On the surface, money alleviates the daily stress of life, which puts a person on a more receptive mood for sex. Sema Hingorani says, “When you don’t have the mortgage looming overhead, and your chores are been done by the hired help, you are naturally going to be better placed for an adventurous sex life than when your bank balance is zilch, your cheques are bouncing left, right and centre, and your limbs are exhausted with your daily chores.”


Women definitely looks for men with power and money because with that comes security in life and relationship which ultimately leads to marriage and sex. Financial stress does cause a drop in libido, causing general dissatisfaction in every aspect of life. Naturally when you arte bogged down by the strain of meeting day –to-day expenses sex is the last thing that you have in your mind.


Tollywood actor Sharwanand agrees, “Money definitely gives a comfort level. But at the end of the day, sensitivity, caring techniques and performance have nothing to do with your bank statement.”

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  • avatar
    Friday, March 30, 2012 Lachmi Deb Roy

    thanks padmas1

  • avatar
    Friday, March 30, 2012 padmas1

    Good points. Money means less stress and greater libido.

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