MedBlogs for the masses

Posted by Subhash Chander Verma on Sat, May 14, 2011  
No of Views(5483)

I find MedBlogs an excellent place to share medical knowledge and some expertise. Many of us (including myself) are medical professional who have least time for blogging activity. However, diseases like Viral Hepatitis, Typhoid, Hypertension, Diabetes, Osteo-Arthritis and other debelitating bone and joint condition, some cancers, Seizure disorders are worth tackling through mass education programmes.


Similarly certain addictions like alcohol, and tobacco, and also for students addictions like TV Watching and Internet porn are required to be brought out by people experienced in same. It will be good to see many people reading experts views on very so called trivial issues, knowledge of which can help people decide about health and happiness. There are many sites available, but they are too theory oriented and many a times donot address the vexed problems of patients and there relatives. Common man is a prey to growing business adventours of medical industry.


It is to request all persons who have persons, medical or user of medicine to share their experience about problems of health and investigation and treatment related to their case. ,


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    Sunday, May 15, 2011 juliarix

    Have HIV/HPV/Herpes/hepatitis? You may be upset and confused and think your sexual life is over. However, once you settle down and learn the facts, you'll realize that having STD is not the end of the world, and it's not the end of your social life. You are not alone! Date others with STD at the site STDmingle

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