Managing Diabetes With Food

Posted by Antony76 on Tue, May 5, 2015  
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Type 2 diabetes is the most commonly seen form of diabetes that accounts for a majority of cases.  The primary task of individuals who have type 2 diabetes is to bring blood sugar levels under control.  This will help cut down the risk of diabetes complications and ward off problems related to kidney, eye and heart related issues.  People with diabetes are at the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

Eat more often at regular intervals by starting with breakfast that helps to keep blood sugar levels stable.  By doing this you consume fewer calories in a day.  This aspect is of much significance as it keeps your appetite under control.  This helps in good metabolism as you burn more calories.  Adhering to this simple habit will have telling health benefits.  Obesity and metabolic problems with regards to insulin resistance is 35 to 50% lower in people who had breakfast regularly. 

Eating a balanced diet at each meal is the ideal way to control blood sugar.  This gives a sense of fulfillment in what you eat.  Nutritionists are of the opinion that the body’s need for a host of nutrients makes people to get more of the same.  Consuming the same types of foods will never get you enough nutrients.  This is where the role of balanced intake comes into place.

Different forms of foods are the ideal way to start the day.  Vegetables and fruits is the best way as they have a good measure of carbohydrates and smaller portions of proteins.  Fruits should be added at breakfast time and feel free to take vegetables at any time.  Cut down on fat and make sure you substitute the right kind of fats for the wrong one.  Make sure you don’t cut down all the fat from your intake.  Consuming moderate levels of fat helps individuals stick to a healthy diet which keeps blood sugar under moderation. 

Enjoy what you consume and make sure to slow down the pace of consumption.  This will give a real sense of satisfaction, in turn your body realizes that you had enough and you eat less.

Last but not the least learn to relax as stress increases the hormones levels and this in turn raises the blood sugar level.  Learn to relax and cope with stress through stress reduction techniques.  Make sure you take care of your anxiety levels by meditating, breathing and through relaxation of your muscles.  He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.  


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