Lemon: The Refreshing Immunity Booster With Vitamins

Posted by Antony76 on Thu, Jul 28, 2016  
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Lemon is universally used for their taste and aroma. They are added to beverages attributable to their property of tickling our taste buds. Lemons are rich in vitamin C which increases immunity.  They have abundance to offer in spite of their little size!


Nutritious Facts


A glass of refreshing lemon juice provides 29 calories.  In addition this a cup of lemon juice gives 187% of your day-to-day prescribed serving of vitamin C ! Lemons are packed with vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic corrosive, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and protein. They likewise contain potassium which regulates heart rate and pulse. Lemons are rich in flavonoids, which have cell reinforcement and disease battling properties.


Medical Advantages of Lemon


Here are some medical advantages that lemons bring to the table:


Supports Immunity


Vitamin C is exceptionally prescribed to help in appropriate working of our immune system.  Lemons are a rich in Vitamin C. This makes them a flawless choice to fill in as a shield to battle germs in our body; particularly flu and cold. Drinking a glass of lemon water each day guarantees adequate measure of Vitamin C consumption required for our body.


Helps In Digestion


Lemons being rich in fiber and acidic in nature help in absorption of digestive juices in the stomach for proper digestion.  Lemons help your body to process foods in an effective manner.


Restore The Skin


A glass of lemon water in the morning regularly leaves a detoxifying impact to the skin also. It can likewise be useful in sunburn. It is viewed as antiseptic quotient to cure skin related issues. It is likewise rubbed on the honey bee sting areas which alleviate pain. Take a glass of warm water; add lemon juice and honey it. Drinking lemon water each morning will leave your skin sparkling and will likewise cures acne.


Enhances Dental Health


Dental issues are excessively regular nowadays as a result of the intake of junk food.  Lemon demonstrates its value in dental issues like awful smell, toothache and so forth. Knead crisp lemon juice on the gums to prevent toothache and gum related issues. It additionally cleanses the teeth and added as an ingredient in toothpaste.


Aids In Weight Loss


Shedding pounds is the most discussed topic and lemon acts as a weight reducing agent. Lemons contain a fiber called Pectin that makes you feel full for quite a while and you lose that yearning for food for a significant time.


Hydrates The Body


Regardless of the fact that you are somewhat off color, you may feel cerebral pain, weariness or dreary mind-set. Lemon juice leaves your body hydrated, along these lines making you feel revived and rejuvenated. Lemon juice is likewise broadly advised after a strenuous physical activity or a tiring workout.


Cures Dandruff


Hair care has a tendency to be an extremely multifaceted issue regardless of a few alternatives accessible which are guaranteed to be hair friendly. Lemon juice is surely understood for treating your hair. It treats issues like dandruff, male pattern baldness etc. Apply lemon juice to your scalp and hair wait for 10 minutes.  Wash your hair with any mild shampoo. This will help you get rid of dandruff furthermore gives a shiny texture to hair.


Lemon comes with innumerable medical advantages and acts as a perfect choice for those seeking sound health the natural way. Stay Healthy, Stay Happy! Stay Hydrated!


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