Know Secondary infertility in detail

Posted by testtubebabyclinic on Thu, Jul 22, 2010  
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Secondary Infertility – Sex, Age & Lifestyle Factors

It is a misconception in majority of the population that if you get pregnant once you have no problem next time.

Secondary infertility is a common problem that can be heartbreaking for many couples. Once you have had a child, you normally think that getting pregnant again should be no problem; after all, haven’t you proven your fertility?

Fertility is a function of age. It starts to decline at age 27, and the most pronounced decline is above age 40.Unfortunately, there’s no test that shows when fertility starts to decline.

Secondary infertility means that couple has at least one biological child but are  having difficulty in conceiving for the second time. Twenty percent of women experience a condition called secondary infertility. Even for a healthy couple with no reproductive problems it can take time to conceive. However, such problems can be avoided if you are careful about your body.

Read about what you can do to prevent secondary infertility.

Secondary infertility may happen at any time and the causes are almost identical to those of primary infertility. The problem can lie with the woman’s reproductive system, the man’s reproductive system, or with both partners.

Many women’s don’t have any problems getting pregnant for the first time. So they never believe trying  for a second child would be an issue. However, even after trying for more than a year if someone is not able to conceive, a visit to the infertility specialists is must. The biggest step in coping with the problem is deciding that a person needs some help this time. A trip to the doctor may result in women undergoing number of tests. The outcome may be secondary infertility.

About 20% of couples who wish to conceive do so within a month. During each subsequent month, about 20% of the remaining couples conceive, so that there is about an 85% chance of conceiving within six months. A physician will generally initiate a medical evaluation only if a couple has not conceived after one year of trying, or, if the woman is over 35, after six months. About one in seven couples have problems conceiving. The percentage of couples experiencing secondary infertility in particular is not known because some couples do not seek medical help.

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Why do I have secondary infertility?

There are many reasons why you can have secondary infertility. These reasons are often the same reasons why couples experience primary infertility. See a fertility specialist to try and help diagnose your secondary infertility but some common reasons for secondary infertility include:

* ovulation problems
* uterine fibroids
* endometriosis
* you or your partner got an infection since your last pregnancy
* you or your husband/partner gained weight
* you or your husband/partner changed your diet
* egg or embryo quality has changed
* sperm issues are now present sperm count, morphology, motility.

There are many reasons you can have secondary infertility. Your lifestyle can be a huge factor in your fertility so check first to see if you have made any lifestyle changes that might be affection your fertility.

There are several factors mentioned below contributing to the Secondary Infertility and which can be controlled by you.

Unavoidable factor in today’s life-stress
Stress can be a major factor in trying to get pregnant. The stress hormone cortisol interferes with ovulation, leading to decreased fertility. In addition, stress can also cause elevated blood pressure and other conditions, which can create complications in a pregnancy. Research has shown that 77 percent of women who were able to reduce their levels of cortisol succeeded in restoring their ovulation abilities.

Reducing stress can be done in different ways. Generally, reducing stress hormone levels involves a change in diet and exercising. Meditation has also proved effective as a stress buster. Many doctors may also recommend taking a short vacation to rejuvenate your body.

Fertile period
The fertile period during the monthly cycle in a women decreases with the increase in the age. Finding fertile period every month becomes a priority because the egg released the ovary remains fertile only for around 12 hours or so. Ovulation kit or ovulation stick is used to determine when a person is ovulating.

Age and the fertility.
Fertility decreases with the age It is an accepted medical fact that the chances of female not conceiving or infertility in women is higher once she is 30 years old. It is not common with all.In most cases decreased fertility does not hamper a woman’s chances of getting pregnant, especially if she has been pregnant before. However, some women do experience the problem of infertility, termed as secondary infertility. This is more common in women who have had their first child after the age of 30. Many treatments are available to overcome this stage.

Complete Medical checkup.
Couples under the age of 35 when they fail to conceive after trying for more than a year should consult a specialist and undergo a complete check up. For women over 35, the waiting period is six months. The basic test includes Pap smear test to check for abnormalities in the uterus and ovaries and a three-day FSH/ estradiol blood test to measure the level of FSH or follicle-stimulating hormone, which is responsible for release of eggs from the ovary.High levels of the hormone indicate that body is working more to stimulate your ovaries.

Additional help of vitamins.

Iron and folic acid is very good to improve the fertility.Available in the form of  multivitamin tablets,it is taken in addition to the regular meals.The use of this increases the chances of a successful conception and also prevents the baby inside from suffering certain birth defects.

Unlike those couples who have never had a child, those couples going through secondary infertility find it hard to get support from their network of friends and family.

The good news is that secondary infertility can be treated just like primary infertility. If you suspect you have a fertility problem, get checked out. The sooner you find out the problem, the sooner you can get back on track to having your second, third or fourth child.

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