Key To Efficiency And Good Health – Do Things Now.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Tue, Jun 22, 2010  
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Some of us tend to postpone things and believe that tomorrow will be that fine day to finish off all our accumulated work.  However postponing things till tomorrow or procrastination could be one of the main reasons for stress and anxiety in our everyday life. It could also lead to low level of efficiency and prove to be a major impediment to good health.


Yes, procrastination is negative leading to negative stress with a feeling that a lot has to be done, however a close study reveals that the habit to procrastinate comes from mental blocks like fear and anxiety. If you are sick and postpone going to a doctor, because work will pile up, you will only be a loser as ill health will lead to continuous cycle of backlog of work.  So, it is time to act today and now. 


Eliminate unwanted stress and other health problems caused by procrastination now. It is understandable that all of us need to take breaks at times, but procrastination are informal breaks that leads to further stress and health problems. Yes students who procrastinate suffered from low immunity, increased gastrointestinal problems and insomnia.


Your efficiency at work is sure to be affected if you tend to postpone and procrastinate. You are sure to miss on important profitable appointments, meetings and clients besides valuable time lost due to your faulty behavioral habit. Excuses and escapism only snatch away good opportunities to learn and upgrade your professional skills. Your antiquity of skills could only prove you inefficient and give others an advantage over you in career advancement and efficiency. As a consequence you will find yourself frustrated and unhappy.  


All of us sure value our relationships that could make us feel good, emotionally balanced and healthy. There is a well-known saying, “Take bath with the tide, as it is impossible to take bath once the tide is down.” This applies to our family life too where frustration and ill will could affect your family and your health. A husband has to make love to his young bride on their first night to build an understanding relationship and not when she is 50. Such minor problems may fuel into big issues and ultimately lead to a loss of trust in relationships. Hence it is best to do things now and avoid the vicious circle of poor relationships and loss of mental and physical health.


Procrastinating could adversely affect your health and fitness plans and contributes to making you physically and mentally unhealthy.  Besides procrastination is the base to stress and anxiety and breakup of healthy relationships in everyday life. Besides loss of efficiency and knowledge of up-to-date technologies and learning can lead to frustration and a whole lot negative emotions rendering harm to mental as well as physical health.


Hence it is best for all of us to acknowledge that postponing things and procrastination lead to a whole lot of problems in relationships, efficiency and health. Let us all put our leg forward to do things now as being with the tide has got to do with accomplishment in all directions.   







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