Keeping stress at bay during exams

Posted by Effective on Mon, Jan 24, 2011  
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The festive season is over and the New Year Bash ringing out. It’s now the fever epoch in our country especially when the winter speaks louder than earlier throughout our country.  This is also the time when exams are in the corner and students are preparing to their best to outperform in their examination.


However, stress is something that can be felt always during preparation and at exams. You need to know how you can keep stress at bay and outperform in your exams. Many students come to me these days regarding stress and inability to prepare for exams.


Here are few tips which could come handy to beat stress especially for those who would be appearing their board examinations.


1.       Visualize success.

The first step to any race is to visualize success right from the beginning. The best example of the same is our sports men and women. In my conversation with them they say that they visualize before hand to plan well for the success to be even better than expected.


2.       Replenish your energy.

The amount of energy required to study, memories, think better is colossal. Therefore it’s very important to refill right kind of fuel to your system often for the constant flow of energy to prevail. It is wise to avoid junk and food that carry loads of calories in them. Excess or less calories intake can be create havoc. Our intension is to provide enough energy to body to help in studying, memorizing and not falling sick during this period. Sleep well so that you can energize yourself. Go slow on junk, caffeine and sweet products. Instead eat a fruit, that’s anytime right intake than the juice.


3.       Plan your study and exam schedules well.

It is said if you do not plan to succeed, then you are certainly planning to not succeed. Hence, very good planning is very essential to visualize success. Sport personnel speak avidly how they visualize the finishing line before beginning to run the race. Plan well and execute it well.


4.       Learn to say “No”.

This is a tough code to crack but the lesson to be learned at this age which will certainly hold well with you throughout your life. This does not mean to say “NO” to all that your parents or siblings or guardian says. Learn to say “NO” to anything that would distract your studies, which could result your inability to give your best shot at exams; like: Television, Movies, Friends, Chat, Internet Surfing, Phone etc.  Set your priorities and march ahead. Be diplomatic without causing hurt on the receiving end.


 5.       Be active

You need to be active for your mind to be alert while you study. Hence, adapt some light activity which could not only keep you active but also freshen you up. You may adapt some light walking, K Yoga, listening to music, a good shower etc for being active.


6.       Drink plenty of fluids.

Water plays a major role in memorizing and will keep you alert all the time. Add fluids like fresh juice which can aid to bring better learning performance. Good fluid level in your system will keep your brain fresh for a longer period of time.


7.       Be a master of what you have learnt.

Being a master of a subject does not come easy but by constant effort and experience. Learn, re-learn and practice it over and over again. You will master it. Being a master would mean you know the subject well and could answer in any way possible in right manner.


8.       Memorize.

It is an old technique we all have practiced and will practice over and over again. Memorize with proper understanding which can be beneficial for you. Be smart in memorizing using pneumonic etc.. Try new techniques to memorize and recollect it during exams, like writing what you are learning and speaking it aloud. It’s a dual shot in memorizing as well as learning to present each answers effectively.


9.       Last minute study

Last minute study as revision do help many but last minute of studying new lessons do not make a real mark during exams apart from diagrams/ formula etc. Try to revise during the last minute rather than studying.


10.   Be Calm

Try to remain calm without anxiety. Be curious on what questions may appear in the exams is fine but it those thought can hamper your study time; try to avoid such thoughts that could trigger anxiety in you and study as per your plan. Leave the exam hall immediately after the exams and do not think about exams that has gone by. Concentrate more in the exams that you are going to face. In case, you find it difficult to execute your study plan or cannot concentrate or memorize do not fail to inform your parents / teacher / siblings. Expert advice would prove beneficial.


Dr. Kurien S. Thomas

(Dr. Kurien S. Thomas is a psychotherapist, life coach, counsellor & yoga therapist from Vashi, Navi Mumbai and is working with Effective Living Inc.)


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