Indoor Exercises

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Oct 6, 2011  
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Size Zero is out and fit and healthy you is in. But don’t say good bye to exercises just because you cannot hit the gym. You can work out at home too. Researchers have shown that home exercisers are long term exercisers.


There are a number of hindrances like the phone might keep ringing so the best thing is to keep it off the hook. Or else keep the phone on silent mode. Walkout now, talk out later. Motivation is just a mind set. Motivation is just one thought. Just tell yourself that you can do it.


The exercises that you can do at home:




Shrug shoulders up to ears and push down smoothly back to the original position. Repeat five times by holding dumbbells.




Raise both arms frontward and up until your fingers point the sky, simultaneously rise up on your toes. Stretch yourself and hold it for a second. Return to original standing position. Repeat ten times.




Stand with feet wide apart. Drop head forward down, left, back right-twice. Repeat in reverse direction.




Hold tetra band ends shoulder-level in front of you, elbows bent 90 degrees. Now stretch band by straightening arms to your sides at same shoulder level just below chin. Tighten your triceps until you feel tremors in them. Return to original position. Repeat five times.




Raise both arms forward and up to the ceiling. Lace your fingers together and rotate your waist in a full circle. Do it five times. You can also do it by holding dumbbells. It is the best way to lose fat around your waist.




Lie on your back on the floor mat, feet placed atop Swiss ball, arms resting on floor. Now list your butt mid-air, tighten your butt and hold this pose for one minute. While doing this tighten your tummy muscles too.


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