Immunity – Important to Prevent Diseases

Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Tue, Nov 20, 2012  
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Immunity is present in every individual. It is the one that prevent oneself from contracting any diseases. Immunity can be natural or acquired. We tend to get immune to a variety of things and diseases.


For example we have heard a lot of people say “am immune to this smell as I stay here round the year”. Some say, “Am immune to all the advice people give me”. Some people also become immune to many disease and infections, as one time exposure will help them get immune to the disease thereby preventing them from getting the same in future.


We are all well versed with search engines such as google etc that give us a wide knowledge on the foods we need to eat to boost immunity or the ways to enhance immunity etc. but are we really following the same? Now there comes the problem. What would be the use of just reading the same and not practicing the same?


It is always needed for one to make sure they have the optimum immunity level. If they know that they do not have the natural immunity in themselves, it is advisable for them to take in the necessary steps to boost up their immunity. This is because, spending for gaining immunity is far better than spending for the treatment of the disease.


We all are still in the developing country that is prone to a variety of illnesses. The ways in which one can be strong enough to prevent those illnesses should be always considered and encouraged. Many follow diets rich in vitamin C to boost up the immunity. Some depend on vaccines to enhance the immunity capacity. While some follow the nature principle to get immune.


Nature principle is nothing but getting exposed to the illness to gain that natural immunity. I still remember telling my friend when she called me up to say that she is suffering from chickenpox, that I would like to meet her and get the disease for myself so that I can get immune to chickenpox provided I may contract it at a later stage when not feasible. What could have been the answer my friend gave me? She just told, “You are crazy”.


Prevention is better than cure. Yes it is. Having a good immunity level is the prevention and the lack of it is the warehouse for contracting diseases and infections that require cure.


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