I Love My self

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Sep 23, 2011  
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I am far more comfortable and at peace with myself than what I used to be in my early twenties. I have learnt to love and appreciate myself. Though I still don’t like piling on weight to myself, but that has got nothing to do with impressing people, instead I just want to stay fit and healthy.


Most women are unhappy with their bodies, mainly because of the unrealistic images of how we should appear, based on the zero sizes of various models and film stars. Does modern day societies want to have an army of scrawny, undernourished women or would rather like to have women with brains and personality? We should remember that we all have a different body structures. There are some who have a naturally curve body while some have a ruler straight body. Now with a curve structure you cannot look like match stick right?


My advice would be learn to love yourself and be comfortable in your body and just reject the media image in to the bin. Tell yourself you cannot look the way you looked in your early twenties. Self esteem of a person is very important because your life revolves around it. A person with a sound self esteem loves the way she is and she does not try to ape anybody. But she does not forget to admire and appreciate the people around her. A woman with self esteem does not hide her age. She is confident about her age and appearance.


The perfect self esteem lies deep within us. We just need look within ourselves and we will surely find it. Tell yourself about how much you love yourself and how much you are happy by just being yourself. Most of the times we tend to keep ourselves burdened with a number of experiences in the past by which we reduce our opinion about ourselves. It is time we learn to forgive ourselves and others around us too.


As for me yoga has helped me a lot in building my self confidence. Say to yourself that you are perfect and complete as a human being. Learn to accept yourself the way you are.


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