How You Can Decrease The Bad Cholesterol In Your Blood.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, Mar 22, 2010  
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It is good to control the amount of bad cholesterol in ones blood to protect oneself from various heart diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes. Also these factors could also be the cause of high amount of bad cholesterol in blood. It is possible to control the amount of bad cholesterol in ones blood and have a lower risk of coronary artery disease and live a happy and healthy life.



Yes changes in lifestyle can help control increase of bad cholesterol or LDL in blood. The first step in this direction is the lowering of the body mass index or making attempts to lose weight. Exercise and keeping active can help decrease body mass index and make a significant change in lowering bad cholesterol or LDL in blood.  



Exercise plays a vital role in making a significant change in ones weight. A decrease in weight of just 10% can make a significant change in the risk of one getting heart disease and the accompanying complications. Various aerobic exercises like walking, running, cycling, jogging, and swimming can   help make significant change in your body mass index.



Besides you should keep yourself physically and mentally active to eliminate the deposit of fat and building up of bad cholesterol or LDL in blood. When one is mentally active and happy one will not resort to taking comfort foods also. You can avoid increase in bad cholesterol by avoiding the use of saturated oils and fats. It is best to take vegetable oils in moderation, because they are less saturated.  



Besides it is best to avoid meat and non-vegetarian items that are rich in fats. One should also take skimmed milk or low fat milk or cow’s milk. Besides fish is a better option to meat in many respects. If you must eat meat opt for lean meat in place of red meat. Fiber in form of fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. 



Avoid smoking to lower your LDL or bad cholesterol reading and oxidized LDL, which could lead to serious conditions like arteriosclerosis. The stopping of smoking has lead to lowering of LDL by about 50%. If it is difficult to give up smoking than it is best to take resort to measures like quit smoking patches, herbal remedies and also rehabilitation centers for quitting smoking. 



Yes, quit the bottle to avoid having a high LDL level. Wine and beer may help in small quantities, however it is advisable to not drink in excess. Men can drink about 2 drinks of 12ounces each per day, but women are allowed only one drink if you must drink. However it is better to overlook this rule to avoid being intoxicated and having a high LDL or bad cholesterol reading.



So dear friends, let us all strive to bring down our bad cholesterol or LDL level and aim to live a long and healthy life. Yes, you have to aim at weight loss if you are excess weight, keep active, and do simple aerobic exercises, to lower your cholesterol level and fight deadly diseases like diabetes, heart disease and protect yourself from serious diseases like arteriosclerosis



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