How Touch Therapy Can Build Happier And Healthier Families.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Tue, Dec 29, 2009  
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Touch Therapy is no new therapy but the therapy which well-adjusted and happy families have been following since ages. Yes, dear friends you are right it is nothing except the power of the human touch that can play a great role in the cure of diseases and bring about physical and mental harmony in people in general and families in particular.Hence dear friends you have no where to go for this specialized therapy but can have it done and do it within the four walls of your home.

Many couples are of the opinion that having sex is love. However touching each other by kissing, hugging or even just holding hands could constitute love. A small pat on the back for good deeds could also hel-p to make a person happy and build an immunity in him against diseases. Researchers have found that couples who touched each other more often and more intimately were able to help one another enjoy good health. Besides, touch therapy also made them more happy and secure in their relationship.

However for touch therapy to be effective one should be able to send positive thoughts and emotions to one another. Being rude and cold would have only an adverse effect on health. In addition couples who touched each other found it eadier to sort out mutual differences and be free of tension and stress. Those who sorted out their differences by airing out their feelings and listening when they were touching each other found it easier to understand and let go. In addition touching the neck, shoulder and hands of their partners in this process made it easier to predict their partner's mood,

Touch Therapy among couples plays a positive role on children too who see their parents in happy and fruitful relationships. Children of happy and well-adjusted parents’feel happier, secure and are able to benefit from the love of both parents. Love and cogency between their parents made them also feel loved.  Happy and well adjusted parents hugged, kissed .and cuddled their children more as they consider their children as the extension of their love for each other. So such children had better immunity power and enjoyed better health than children whose parents never loved each other.

Besides touch therapy could do wonders to the children too when practised on them. When children are depressed and need understanding a hug, kiss or cuddling or a soft word with a pat on their back could do wonders. Touch therapy is nothing but love and understnding and I am sure most of us crave for it. Children who are touched in various ways are definately more happy and healthier children than others who are not.

Hence, dear friends lets embrace the significance of love and personal touch and give ourselves and our dear ones a good healthy and happy life.  


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