How to tackle infertility with Yoga?

Posted by Poojitha shekar on Sat, Sep 5, 2020  
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How to tackle infertility with yoga?

Infertility is a state of not being able to conceive a child or produce offspring naturally, even after a perfect unprotected intercourse. It is seen in a lot of men and women and tackling it is quite confronting. In women, infertility might be caused due to a lot reasons like stress, aging, alcohol and tobacco, obesity, PCOD, lack of exercise, STD [sexually transmitted disease] and hormonal imbalance. In men, infertility is recognized by low sperm count or abnormal sperm function which might be caused due to a lot of reasons including genetic inheritance or genetic defects, diabetes, smoking tobacco, use of steroids,  overexposure to heat and accidents if any. Infertility is not that easy to suffer with, it is physically, mentally and emotionally challenging. People who are diagnosed with infertility undergo a lot of stress, be it by lack of communication with their partner and mocks by their relatives and society. There is a lot of modern ways to cure infertility which include the IVF [in-vitro fertilization], ART [assisted reproductive technology], ovulation induction and artificial insemination but these medical procedures aren’t natural and they have their own risks. Hence, it is always better to take the natural route to heal one’s self. Yoga is an ancient science which unifies the body and mind and provides a holistic treatment to the practitioner. Let’s see how Yoga can cure infertility.

Yoga for Infertility

Yoga, a non pharmacological, cheap and natural treatment not only focuses on twisting and stretching your body but digs deeper into your body and cures many morbidities. There are growing evidences that yoga is being accepted worldwide as a therapy for many discomforts. Practicing it increases the flexibility, boosts the immune system, regulates endocrine system, improves metabolic efficiency, improves concentration and slows the aging process. Speaking about the therapeutic effects of yoga for fertility, yogic practices increase blood flow in pelvic areas, focuses on the uterus and pelvic areas and boosts your reproductive health, reduces the stress hormone levels, calms the mind, removes negativity and improves positive thinking. Yoga removes all the toxins and detoxifies the mind and body. It improves the endocrine and reproductive system and its health by its therapeutic effects mentioned above. Now I’ll give you a list of some asanas [body postures] and pranayama [breathing technique] which helps in curing infertility.

10 Yogic ways to cure infertility:

  1. Baddhakonasana
  2. Pashchimottanasana
  3. Padahastasana
  4. Suptabaddhakonasana
  5. Balasana
  6. Sarvangasana
  7. Setubandhasana
  8. Bhramari pranayama
  9. Kapalabhati pranayama
  10. Viparita karni

Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian practice which has been practiced by the yogis to achieve better health, longevity and spiritual unification of mind and body. It helps to stimulate\activate your 3rd eye also called as “ajna chakra”.  Not only the physical exercises, yoga also consists of a specially designed healthy diet pattern which promotes vegetarianism called “Sattvic diet”, it is a healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables and low processed food and ultimately promotes healthy and mindful eating. Reproduction is also one of the important characteristics of living beings and everyone deserves to produce their offspring. If you are diagnosed with infertility, there is no need of being guilty or feeling bad about it, it is just like any other disability which can naturally be cured by Yoga.

So, next time you have any reproductive morbidities or infertility, try giving yoga a shot before stepping into modern hospitals and undergoing surgeries. Yoga helps you heal the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms. Stay healthy, stay safe and stay natural!



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