How To Lead A Better Emotional Life During 2010.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Thu, Dec 31, 2009  
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As we advance in the 21st century, the most valuable asset that we have inherited from our surroundings is poor quality of emotional life. This has manifested itself in various ways by negative emotions like anger, fear, and stress and has taken the toll of the people in the form of various mental diseases. The requirement of the hour happens to be how to control negative emotions and lead a happy emotional life. As we now set our foot into the year 2010 let us all strive to promote a good emotional life for our family and ourselves. Yes there is a need for a balance in life to promote good emotional life in 2010.



It is first of great importance to realize that  we need to do various activities in our daily life so that we feel more energetic and happy. This would help us remove the monotony of daily living and give us something good to look forward to each day. Besides work every individual would benefit by having some hobbies, sports or some pleasurable activity to look forward to. Cultivating hobbies, playing games like tennis, chess and spending quality time with your friends and family would do a lot to make you physically and mentally relaxed and rejuvenated. 


Anger happens to be one of the main by-products of stress. Leading a relaxed life could help one fight stress and anger. Anger is a negative emotion and should be done away with. Doing deep breathing exercises could help eliminate anger. While inhaling in deep breathing exercises one should feel deep calm thoughts coming in and exhaling should give one the feeling that one is let going of pent-up anger. Just counting till 10 before taking any action also helps.


In addition spending quality time with ones family helps to promote emotional health. If the members of a family eat together family ties are tightened, and also emotional health.

If one goes for an annual vacation with family/ and friends it could make one feel good returning to the daily grind. This annual vacation could be visiting family or friends or to a place of nature.


Time to one’s own self is also important. This would help one to think of one’s own self, analyzing to device methods to correct ourselves, This time would help us emotionally grow as a person. Besides this could contribute to improving of ones self-esteem and growth.  .



In addition having a sound emotional life also depends on our attitude of handling stress. Cultivating ways to get over negative attitudes like anger, fear, and uncertainty and diverting them into positive energy of growth and development helps. These negative emotions can be diverted into positive energy to get over them.


In addition one could have a better emotional life if one try to take things easy and not make a mountain of a mole hole. You could just take it as a joke. If negative emotions still hurt one can easily and firmly tell the person who hurt you do not appreciate it and forget all about it.


Exercise, is one the things you can rely on to promote emotional life. It is a stress buster and relaxes the mind and body and makes one feel energetic and rejuvenated. Yoga and meditation could help a lot in this direction.



Besides a good and healthy diet at regular intervals makes one feel good, rejuvenated and less irritable. Eating fruits, salads, and nuts at regular intervals would be light but help you feel energetic. It is better to avoid oily and spicy foods to some extent to avoid being lethargic and tired.


To conclude dear friends I can already see you geared up for better emotional health in 2010.  





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