How Does Obesity Affect Fertility, Pregnancy And Childbirth

Posted by Antony76 on Wed, Jul 13, 2016  
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Obesity and overweight issues cause hormonal imbalance in women which thus contrarily influences their ovulation and menstrual cycle. Being overweight is one of the fundamental drivers of menstrual anomalies and may even be the explanation behind complete absence of ovulation. Women who are obese find it difficult to conceive and thus opt for fertility measures. Be that as it may, the more concerning issue is that obesity does not give them a chance to react positively with regards to fertility measures.


How Is Weight Related To Fertility?


Fat cells deliver a hormone called estrogen. Estrogen is required for typical ovulation.

If one is fat then the estrogen discharged is too high. These outcomes result in minimal ovulation or no ovulation

Being overweight or fat additionally builds the danger of - Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Generally portrayed as a hormonal imbalance, PCOS happens because of high levels of androgens.

Due to overabundance of androgens, there is a deregulation which prompts irregular periods or complete absence of menstrual cycle alongside issues with ovulation. Every one of these elements led to issues in conceiving.


What Affect Does Obesity Have On Pregnancy And Childbirth?


  • The most troubling reality is that notwithstanding when overweight or obese women conceive, the pregnancy is entirely risky for the mother and in addition for the baby.


Danger To The Mother


The most widely recognized issues connected with pregnancy in obese ladies are :


High Risk Of Miscarriages


Over weight ladies are at high danger of losing their pregnancies because of hormonal unevenness of two hormones-Testosterone and Luetinizing Hormone. Obese ladies who have considered conceiving with the help of regenerative procedures have considerably higher probability of premature deliveries.


Gestational Diabetes


Because of weight, the insulin reactions are disturbed amid pregnancy which causes high blood glucose levels in women prompting diabetes. In the event that left undiscovered and untreated, it builds the odds of women developing diabetes after the birth. Besides, it expands the odds of the child being large which can bring about complications at the time of birth. It can likewise prompt jaundice and low glucose in the child. In extreme cases, it might bring about seizures and still birth.




It is a state of hypertension which develops in pregnant ladies particularly women who are obese. It likewise influences the kidneys and is portrayed by emission of protein in urine. It likewise causes swelling in hands, face and legs.


Requirement For Cesarean Section


Normal delivery in obese women might be exceptionally testing because of the extensive size of the lady and the baby. Most women need to experience Cesarean  which can likewise bring about numerous issues, for example infection and bleeding.


Danger To The Baby


Obesity amid pregnancy can adversely influence the infant from multiple points of view:


High Birth Weight


Obese ladies have high probability of bringing forth obese children who have higher than ordinary birth weight. In addition to the fact that it is cumbersome for the mother to deliver an obese infant, record show that these newborn children have high odds of being overweight which opens them to the danger of developing lifestyle problem later on in their lifespan


Birth Defects


Figures have shown that obese women deliver babies with birth defects associated with heart, cerebrum, spinal string, appendages and gastrointestinal framework.


Danger of Stillbirth


The larger the figure of the women, the higher the odds of still conceived babies. A stillbirth is an infant conceived dead following 24 completed weeks of pregnancy.


Chronic Diseases


Youngsters born to obese women have more than twofold the odds of developing coronary illness and diabetes when they grow up.


Pre-term Birth


Obesity amid pregnancy prompts conditions, for example, pre - clampsia which powers unexpected labor. This thus puts the infants at danger of short and long term health problems


By what method Should Women With Obesity Plan And Manage Their Pregnancy?


If a lady is fat i.e. BMI is more than 27.5 kg/m2, the strategy before arranging an infant ought to be to get in shape.

Diet alterations, life style changes, and exercise regimen is crucial for weight reduction. Look for expert help in this regard.

Obese ladies must get themselves assessed by an endocrinologist and a gynecologist who may exhort solutions regarding infections, for example, PCOS or for weight reduction.

Women who have a BMI more than 37.5 kg/m2 must consider weight reduction/bariatric surgery as a treatment choice before pregnancy. Post surgery, infertility issues and conditions like PCOS are taken care of because of weight reduction surgery. It has additionally been archived that pregnancies after weight reduction surgeries are generally safe for both the mother and the child.


Bringing a new life to this world is the most fulfilling and satisfying moment for women. In any case, in the event that you are obese, it is best to deal with your weight before conception so as to maintain a strategic distance from complications that can emerge for both you as a mother and your infant. Consult with your gynecologist for an overall examination before you plan for a baby.  Stay Healthy! Stay Happy! Incorporate small changes to your day-to-day activities will go a long way in leading a healthy life.


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