How Can A Woman Start Exercise And Her Normal Activities After Childbirth.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Tue, Feb 23, 2010  
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The birth of a child is a very wonderful experience in the life of each mother. The mother enjoys seeing the live being that she brought into this world. However, a mother also owes the first duty to herself to look after herself after childbirth so that she has all the energy to look after the living doll she has brought into this earth. This includes her resuming her normal activities as a homemaker and mother. She also needs to do exercises that help her to start doing her normal activities again.


Present day medical practices say that a mother should try to start doing her normal activities again gradually. Childbirth is not a disease but a natural process and after a normal childbirth every woman should believe that she is normal and make every effort to resume her normal activities soon. The resuming of normal activities gradually by simple activities like walking around the room, visiting the toilet, combing her hair and dressing herself will make a woman feel much better day by day. A mother could also do other small activities like feeding her child, dressing the child and so on.


In addition light aerobic exercises help a mother to come back to normal, feeling fit and strong after childbirth. After about a month the new mother can start doing aerobic exercises by joining an aerobic exercise class. She can also do other exercises like walking, jogging, swimming and running, which will help her lose the puppy fat she gained during her pregnancy. Exercises help to improve the functioning of the heart and improving the flexibility of the body. Having a companion while doing exercises helps to improve ones moods and also to motivate her.


Most women nowadays who have even had a normal childbirth could have had an episiotomy, where there could be pain in the place of the sutures. However a mother could take Sitz bath in a basin, where she could sit in warm water twice or thrice in a day. This bath could make the mother feel refreshed and the sutures would be soothed and healed faster. In addition to this many new mothers experience a negative state of mind and feel worried and anxious how she is going to handle the baby she has brought into this earth. However it lies purely in the mind of the mother and her family including her husband to instill that confidence and faith in her and help her with her new responsibilities.


A new mother has to however take good care of her health by taking nutritious food and adequate rest from time to time to handle her new responsibilities. She should necessarily take fruits and vegetables and food good in vitamins, minerals and proteins to help build up the energy lost in childbirth and to replenish the body. However it is not necessary one should take excess of fats as this will only lead to deposit of fat on various parts of the body. 


Besides it is necessary to do exercises to help bring back the reproductive organs to their normal functioning. Kegel exercises which involves the squeezing and relaxation of the pelvic muscles helps. Kegel exercises help in case of bladder incontinence also that occurs in some women after childbirth. This exercise can be done sitting down on the ground or chair and helps to prevent prolapse of the uterus also. It is best to do this exercise when ones urinary bladder is empty and about 20 to 30 times twice or thrice a day.


To conclude, new mothers should be positive in their outlook while resuming her normal activities after childbirth. She should feel sure that her family and husband would help her handle the new responsibilities of a mother. However she should also not miss the role played by exercises in bringing her body back to normal to feel energetic and strong.


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