How A Simple Nature Walk Can Render Life's Commandments.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Sat, Dec 26, 2009  
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Most of us have gone too-much towards materialism and have no time to experience nature in it's various forms. This is one of the main reasons why we are so stressed up and suffer from mental diseases. Some materisalism leads to wanting more and more of materialistic things leading to frustration, dissapointment and poor quality of life. Yes believe me nature has a lot to teach us about real happiness and a leisurely nature walk can make us trully rejunevated.

Do fix your appointment with nature if not daily atleast on weekends.It is not necessary that you book your tickets to some famous natural place or a hillstation. Your own garden or some park closeby could do all the wonders a resort does. If you like photography you can be equipped with your digital camera and capture those beautiful sights. Just forget about your tensions,unhappy thoughts and enjoy the fragrance of flowers, the chirping of birds and those simple natural things in nature. I am sure you would definately be interested to experience the emotions that the nature gives us without expecting anything from you in return.

The air around you is sure to do more wonders in cheering up your mood than all the anti-depressants in the world. You would be so happy to carry on your chores with extra enthusiasm and energy. Pick up those stones, flowers and leaves and enjoy their creative beauty, tread softly on the grass and leaves and watch the transformation come over you. You are sure to experience the therapetical value of nature. Besides nature renders an important lesson to us i.e to be contented in life and not get crushed in the world of unjust competition. Nature's calm and peaceful nature makes us feel wonderful. Nature teaches us this lesson of life that contentment after some affluence is necessary for a peaceful life.

One should take time to see and think about nature's doing in those broken trees. These broken trees seem to be doing their bit of goodness on earth by acting as food for the insects. It is marvellous to note that these trees are being useful even when they are marching towards death. I experienced the feeling that we all should take this important lesson from nature and pledge to donate all those organs that can be used after death to render life useful to another life. Taking the other perceptive, It would be advisable if our organs cannot be used to donate our body for research, which could help bring out a better tommorrw on earth.

Adding to it nature renders the important lesson to be strong and adaptable in life. A thought and observation of nature would be sure to render us the lesson that nature has borne up to storms,destructions and yet it has all strength to bear up to it all. We too can do so. Besides nature also teaches us to be a patient listener and wish people to relieve their tension. 

So dear friends I am sure you all would agree with me that naure renders to us many lessons of life and we should never miss on our important appointments with nature.



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    Sunday, December 27, 2009 drsuresh1

    Nice blog-we must learn-return back to MOTHER NATURE. ORGAN DONATION at least donation of EYES must be propogated.

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