Honey for all round Health

Posted by Gayathri K on Fri, May 5, 2023  
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“Honey – the giver and the taker” – a traditional saying which is used by our grandparents, means that when given in the right way Honey provides us with rich nutrition and takes away the ailments in our body.

Honey is made up of 38.5% fructose, 31% of glucose, 17.1% of water, 7.2% of maltose, 4.2% of trisaccharides and carbohydrates, 1.5% sucrose and 0.5% of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. In other words, it can be said as a medicine made in the right composition in a lab called Beehive.

With over 16,000 species of bees and over 300 different varieties of honey, the art of Beekeeping also known as Apiculture is gaining momentum in the recent years. The beekeepers are also called Apiarists. It is also developing as a good business given that not only honey but it’s products like beewax, propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly are also useful in great ways.

One tablespoon of honey weighs about 21 g which contains 67 kcal. Ten tablespoons of honey contains the energy equal to 1.65 L of milk, 300 g of meat and eight oranges. Honey is the base for the treatments in our centuries old Siddha medicine.

Honey is the best solution for digestive problems. Consuming honey mixed with cold water helps to lose weight. Taking our food with honey leads to weight gain. Take warm cow milk, mix honey with it and intake it daily for Body strength and muscle growth. Apply honey on your wound to get it cured soon. For an active body, honey and water works. Equal amount of honey and lemon juice gives relief from cough. Intake Pineapple extract with honey for kidney diseases. One glass of water with honey and lemon juice helps with heart problems. Can’t sleep? Stop your pills and have one tablespoon honey, little squeeze of lemon in warm water. Limited amount of honey everyday cures constipation while consuming lot can induce constipation. It can also be given for pregnant women. Eating garlic soaked in honey helps in breast milk secretion. Nausea during pregnancy can be treated with honey and lemon. Urination in bed is a common thing in children. It can also be stopped by giving honey in a glass of water every morning.

It’s important to make sure we are using the best kind of Honey as adulterated honey is popular in the market. Check the quality of Honey before you buy. The simplest and well known method is using a glass of water and adding honey in drops to it. If it settles down at the bottom, it’s pure and if it gets mixed the moment it comes in contact with water, then it is considered as adulterated. Leave a drop of honey on plotting paper, pure honey will stay like a pearl while adulterated ones gets sucked by the paper.

It won’t stop with this. Honey even works for complex disorders in our human body. Nature is simple, when we live in tune with it, the cure is simplistic too.




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