Home remedies for mosquito bites

Posted by Lakshmi Gopal on Sun, Mar 27, 2011  
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It’s summer-time again and time for the dreaded mosquitoes to come whizzing into our lives. We may love the outdoors and go camping, hiking, and backpacking, but spending quality time with the family in locations where we are surrounded by nature can have its own drawbacks, especially in a tropical country. As much as we may enjoy being outside, the mosquitoes also enjoy feasting on our blood, causing itching and swelling.

Prevention is better than cure:

1. Cover exposed skin when you are outside and in a mosquito-prone area. Wear long-sleeved tops, trousers and shoes that cover all parts of your feet. Tuck your clothes in so you don't leave any gaps or holes for the mosquitoes to sneak in.

2. Wear lighter-colored clothes as mosquitoes are attracted to heat-absorbing darker clothes.

3. Apply an insect repellent to your skin, particularly on any areas that are exposed. You can also apply a repellent to your clothing and areas in your home such as bedding.

4. Use a repellent containing DEET - a substance proven to be effective in repelling mosquitoes. If you don't want to use DEET, try an insect repellent containing lemon or eucalyptus.

5. Turn on the air conditioning in your bedroom and close the windows. Mosquitoes are attracted to warmer temperatures, so the cooler air will deter them. If you don't have air conditioning, hang a mosquito bed net from the ceiling to cover your bed.

6. Light citronella candles if you are sitting outdoors. However, you do need to sit relatively close to the candles for them to be effective.

7. Use a mosquito patch containing Thiamine or Vitamin B1. Mosquitoes hate the smell of this chemical and so, don’t come anywhere near it. It is a natural chemical with no side-effects. It uses trans-dermal technology to deliver its main ingredient Thiamine directly to the blood stream.

In case you are bitten:

1. Select a fresh lemon that is nicely ripe and firm but not hard. Cut the lemon in half and remove any seeds that are on the surface of the lemon where you've cut it. Rub the lemon directly on your mosquito bite and feel the relief!

2. Treat mosquito bites using garlic. Take a knob off the garlic and cut in half. Rub the garlic onto the mosquito bites. You should notice immediate relief from the itching. This is a great remedy for young children if they get bitten.

3. Treat mosquito bites using the following remedies - use any of the following to help the itch of a mosquito bite. Aloe vera or neem fruit juice. Use the flesh of the aloe vera, squeeze the juice from the neem fruit and simply apply to the bites.

4. Treat mosquito bites using calamine lotion - Putting calamine lotion on the mosquito bite will help them from itching.

5. Make a paste with epsom salt and apply, it stops the itching immediately.

6. Treat mosquito bites using bananas. Just rub the bits of banana peel on the bite with their insides.

7. Treat mosquito bites using baking soda. Mix enough baking soda with water to make a paste. Rub it over the mosquito bites. It works like calamine lotion.


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