Heart Attack - Critical Illness

Posted by Nixon John Antao on Tue, Sep 13, 2011  
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Heart attack occurs when the coronary artery becomes blocked by oily deposits and this severely interrupts blood flow. When that part of the heart loses its blood supply completely, the muscle dies. This is called a heart attack, or an MI - a myocardial infarction (myo=muscle +cardial=heart; infarction=death due to lack of oxygen). Unfortunately, if more people knew exactly what a heart attack was, as well as the warning signs, then there would not be so many heart attack related deaths. 

Symptoms of Heart Attack
Strangely heavy pressure on the chest, like there's a load of weight on you

On the left-center side of the chest there will be pain and discomfort which last for few moments and comes back. It feels like heartburn or indigestion

 Painful upper body pain in the neck, back, and jaw
Pain or discomfort in found in one or both arms, the back, shoulders, neck, jaw, or upper part of stomach. For women it is found on the back, neck, or jaw than for men.

Continual shortness of breath
This is all of a sudden when you are at rest and doing least physical activity. You have a struggle for deep breaths at the same time you may feel chest pain or discomfort. 

Cold sweats and you know it's not menopause (transition period in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs)
You may have excessive sweating or you may break into cold sweat 

Unusual or unexplained fatigue (tiredness)
Lack of energy and tiredness come and go all of a sudden or may persist for days. Muscle tiredness or weakness is found in women not related to exercise. 

Dizziness or light-headedness
A lot of times you want to getup from your chair but you feel light-headedness this is due to very fast heartbeats. 

Nausea (feeling sick to the stomach) or vomiting
Women are more than twice as likely as men to experience nausea, vomiting, or indigestion as heart attack symptoms. 

Individual having diabetes, age 65 or above, taking regular medication are at risk of Silent Heart Attack

 Home Care for Heart Attack:
Make the person sit down and let him relaxed. Loosen the clothing if it is tight. 

Dial the nearest hospital or ambulance service. 

Make sure the patient continues breathing and has a pulse until the ambulance arrives. 

If breathing or pulse stop, give Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Place the palm of your hand on the patient’s chest just over the lower part of the sternum (breast bone) and press your hand in a pumping motion once or twice by using the other hand.


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