Happy Parenting Equals to Happy Kids

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Oct 21, 2011  
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We all know happy parents make happy kids and the simplest way to do so is to be present with your children.  Be consistent, encouraging, attentive, positive in your attitude and your child will also be happy like you. There is absolutely no denial of the fact that we really lead a pressured and stressful life. When we have to juggle too many things we hardly get time to be a mindful parent.


Well the first step to raising happy kids is to take time out to be an attentive parent. It may require a lot of sacrifices like cutting down on your work and at times cutting down on your hours of sleep. But don’t forget to take good care of yourself because you need to be in good health to take care of the children.


Being a mindful parent means you need to be alert, positive and encouraging. Be positive when you speak to your child. Be positive in your behavior and responses too and your child will automatically learn these things from you. Reward good behavior. To encourage your children to take pride in them, you need to be encouraging. Inculcate the value of discipline, self-control and hard work in your child.


Try and eat one meal a day together. Dinner times are the best because at the end of the day each one of us has something to share. Give your children as much time as you can. Children who know that their parents will make time for them no matter what, will always understand the value of love. That itself will make for happier parenting and joyful children. Be there for your child and be alert for your child’s mood swings.


Family holidays are very important for your child’s development. It is very important to have a bank of happy memories. Children love vacation and travelling and holidays are great time to bond with each other.


Learn the art of initiating conversation. Start telling your child about your day. Talk about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Mix freely with your child so that he or she does not hide anything from you. Listen carefully and attentively to what your child is saying- the words and their real meaning. Learn to read between the lines. Tell them how much you love them. Children thrive in warm and loving environment.


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