Go- Green with Organic food

Posted by A. Reshma Anand on Tue, Jun 23, 2015  
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“Organic” it’s the new word for being healthy. People have started using this term to show that they are aware about their health. By buying organic fruits and vegetables you feel that you eat safe food.

 Where ever you go, you see shops that have a board telling that they sell organic food. Do you think that it’s a trend or really people understand the word “organic”.

From past decades men knew the art of culturing plants. They knew what’s right and wrong for a plant’s health. May be about 50-100 years back the chemical industry started ruling the world. Everywhere chemicals started invading into man’s health.  To make a process simple, you had chemicals, to grow something quickly you had chemicals, to resist and cure health problems you had chemicals and one fine morning chemicals started ruling us.

Now man finally realizes how easily they had been manipulated by chemicals. All the natural substances like air,water,soil, forests, wildlife etc, has been corrupted by the use of chemicals. Now whatever he intake is just chemicals which are very harmful for his health.

At present most people have started understanding the importance of fresh and natural products. They have started craving for clean air and water, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy grains etc.

“Organic “sounds like “safe”. The organic farming methods such as rotating crops, using manure or composts instead of fertilizers result in healthy plants. People now have confidence on what they eat is good for their health.

People know that the actual vitamins and minerals in a fruit or a vegetable lie in the skin. But due to the heavy spraying of pesticides while growing these people have stopped eating the skin. They find it safe to eat an apple with skin because it has no fertilizers or pesticides sprayed on them.

So why not we start encouraging these kinds of foods that are a boon for both farmers as well as for consumers. By going green with the use of organic food we indirectly provide a pathway for cleaner and greener environment.



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