Enjoy Explosive Health Benefits with Rainbow Colours in Your Diet

Posted by Hannah Punitha on Sun, Dec 29, 2013  
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You can reap amazing health benefits by eating a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits. Studies suggest that if you desire improved memory, lower risk for stroke, diabetes,heart attack, and several types of cancer and of course weight loss,  then simply get addicted to colored fruits and veggies which are even linked to a longer healthy life.

Centers for Disease Control reported that fewer than one in ten adults consume these nutritional power houses. An easy way to meet your goal is to fill half your plate with fruits and veggies every meal.

To enjoy a boost to your health, include these rainbow colors in your daily diet:


Lycopene is the pigment that gives tomatoes their ruby red color. A new study suggests a tomato-rich diet to combat the risk of breast cancer.

Study author, Adana Llanos, PhD, MPH, an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at Rutgers University after her findings advocates eating plenty of tomato based products and foods containing tomatoes because of its innumerable health benefits which was evident within a short period.
A number of other research studies also revealed higher intake of foods containing lycopene to lower risk of heart disease, cancer and macular degeneration (vision loss in older adults.

Blue & Purple

Anthocyanins that boosts brain health are found in plenty in blue and purple berries and fruits. Infact, blueberries are often called “brain berries” because studies relate them to lower risk of age-related memory loss.

The Nurses’ Health Study reported that older women who ate blueberries and strawberries regularly had slower rates of cognitive decline. A new Harvard study also revealed that resveratrol found in red wine as well as berries activates a protein that enhances health and increased life span.


The National Cancer Institute reported that cruciferous vegetables—such as cabbage,greens etc have anti-cancer properties.Not only the beta-carotene,zeaxanthin and lutein found in them fight cancer but they also protect the cells from DNA damage.


Also cruciferous vegetables destroys carcinogens,bacteria and viruses .

Green veggies combat inflammation and stops the spread of tumors.

Many green veggies are high in vitamin C, raises immunity and protects against colds among sports persons specially marathon runners.

To be continued......


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