Diabetes- Initial Symptoms And Prevention

Posted by SRILAKSHMI VENKATARAMAN on Mon, Nov 30, 2020  
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According to 2016 WHO reports, launched on world health day, Diabetes was the 7th universal causes of death in adults. Currently, the occurrence of diabetes in human beings is increasing at the fastest rate, which is definitely alarming.

There are plenty of guides available, to help you identify diabetes early signs/ diabetes early symptoms. In this article we are going to give details about, the initial symptoms and types along with the easy to follow food and lifestyle changes for diabetes.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is actually not a disease but, a faulty condition in the body. That is, it is a condition where the body is high in blood sugar content. This doesn’t mean you have consumed so much sugar. It is that the body is either producing little to no insulin, or it is finding difficulty in utilizing the excess insulin produced. Now, what is insulin?

Insulin is nothing but a hormone, which is produced by the pancreas, in the body. This hormone is vital for converting, the blood glucose from the food you intake to the cells and produce energy, to keep you active for the day.

There are several factors, observed by the medical experts, causing diabetes. However, there is no single solution or medicine available to cure it permanently. It can only be monitored and kept in control.

Diabetes Early Signs You Should Know

Usually, the causes of diabetes though are many, vary depending upon the type of diabetes occurred. Your body starts showing diabetes early symptoms, right from the onset of the condition, which is subtle to identify straight away. You will only find it when the condition has become little to more severe. Common signs include

  • Constant food craving
  • Irritation
  • Increased Tiredness
  • Excessive thirst
  • Urge to urinate often
  • Frequent skin allergies
  • Blurred vision
  • Small wounds taking time to heal
  • Numbness in one or both legs/fingers
  • Sudden weight loss

So, if you find any of these symptoms, consult a doctor without delay and get your sugar levels diagnosed.

What Are The Different Types Of Diabetes?

So far, the medical industry has categorized diabetes into three different types only, based on common causes and symptoms.

1. Type 1 Diabetes

This type occurs usually in children and in adults. In most of the cases, they are inherited genetically. This is a condition where the immune system of the body unintentionally attacks the beta cells, thereby affecting insulin production. If you get diagnosed with this type, you will have to take frequent insulin injections.

2. Type 2  Diabetes

The second type is common in adults and does not occur in children. A common cause of type 2 diabetes is improper lifestyle habits including, intake of unbalanced diet and lack of physical activity. In this condition, your body starts producing insulin abundantly in such a way that your body struggles to utilize all of it, to produce energy. To keep your sugar levels in control, you will have to intake oral drugs along with insulin injections, if required.

3. Type 3  Diabetes

It is commonly known as gestational diabetes. This occurs only in pregnant women.  According to the medical industry, nearly 2% to 10% of pregnant ladies suffer from this type of diabetes. This is an unfortunate type, if left uncontrolled, gets transferred to the child in the womb via the placenta.

Follow These Food and Lifestyle Changes For Diabetes Prevention/Control

Whether you are the one suffering from diabetes or is afraid of getting it genetically and wish to prevent it, follow the simple lifestyle changes mentioned below.

  • Keep track of your weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Consume a diet rich in fiber but low in carb
  • Avoid the intake of carbonated drinks
  • Reduce smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Practice Meditation and keep your stress in control
  • Consume plenty of dairy food products.



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