Dealing with Hormonal Imbalance

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Jul 6, 2012  
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Hormones can play havoc in your body. Hormonal imbalances lead to weight gain, acne, depression, irregular cycle, hair loss and the inability to conceive. The symptoms can be any one of them.


Now what is the connection of acne and hormonal imbalan ce? Now an imbalance between male and female hormones leads to the production of excess oil by the oil glands.


Chronic hair loss, dry and lymph hair, split ends are also causes of hormonal imbalance in the body. A loss of more than 100 hair strands a day is a case which needs treatment and one needs to take care of it. Hair fall happens due to infection and deficiencies.


Weight gain is also very common during menopause, progesterone levels decreases, resulting in water retention and increased androgen levels which lead to weight gain around the abdomen. Metabolism also lowers down because of the decline in testosterone.


Fluctuation of hormones leads to mood swings. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals, including fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables helps in fighting frequent mood disorders. Natural measures like yoga, meditation, acupuncture and massage therapy helps in stress relief.


There is deterioration in bone health during menopause. Bone density falls mainly with women who are really thin. Oestrogen replacement and calcium supplements can help reduce the risk of bone fracture. Calcium supplements should be taken along with calcium rich diet. Take time out for some weight bearing exercises and practice yoga at least thrice a week. Go for a brisk walk whenever you are free.


Food containing calcium, magnesium, zinc and Vitamins like  B, C and E and fatty acids are also useful in balancing hormones.


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