Crush those Cramps-The Problems of Womaniya!!!

Posted by pallavi-78 on Sun, Sep 1, 2013  
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                Women may be the weaker sex….but the pains and cramps associated with feminity would leave even the most macho alpha male cringing. From the excruciating labour pains to the monthly tryst with pain….no wonder the unit to measure pain is called “dol”.

            Women  experience cramps (pain in the belly and pelvic area during your period).These cramps are caused by certain chemicals called prostaglandins in a Woman’s body to make the uterus muscle strong and contract. Cramps can be annoying at times, extremely painful as they interfere with your regular activities lasting for a few days.

            The  Myth that cramping could have genetic reasons appears to be true. If other women in the family have cramps you might be in the line next, but the good news is that cramps get better the older you get. The cramping sensation intensifies when clots of bloody tissue from the lining of the uterus pass through the cervix.

           Now, there could be many contributors for the onset of menstrual cramps;

  • Lack of exercise
  • A  Retroverted Uterus (backward tilting of uterus)
  • Emotional stress

            It can also be accompanied by headache, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and the urge to urinate more often. Steps to prevent these painful cramps are:-

  • Adequate rest
  • Abdominal massage can bring relief
  • Regular exercise (walking) release endorphins, chemicals in the body that make you feel good
  • Yoga
  • Heating pad applied to the abdominal area
  • Non steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to get relief.

6.            So remember with a little common sense and care those monthly oohs!!! and aaahs!! can be a thing of the past….


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