Burn Calories without sweating

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Jul 23, 2012  
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There are many intelligent ways to burn calories. These are little secrets which very few people will be willing to share with you, but you can actually be slim without breaking a sweat.


Take Vitamin D regularly. It has been seen that those women who suffer from Vitamin D deficiency lose weight slower as compared to women who takes 2,000mg of it daily.


It is not necessary that you will have the time for regular walks, but even when you are walking to the market walk fast as if you are getting late for a meeting or a mad dog is chasing you. Eat a lot of high fibre food. High fibre food takes time to digest and hence it makes you feel fuller. Develop and good posture. Walk with you tummy in and tighten up your butt. This helps to keep a flat tummy and toned up butt.


Susan B Robert, the author of the ‘The I Diet’ says that caffeine increases the rate at which bodies’ burn calories. Whether you are carrying a heavy bag on your shoulder keep changing sides because by doing this you are exercising your muscles. Whatever you are doing weather you are boiling milk or cooking or working on the computer such in your tummy as much as you can and hold on to it and hold on to it as long as you can. When you are sitting and working on the computer, just sit and do a few knee lifts. When you are standing rise up on the balls of your feet and then lower yourself down. This will help in toning up your body and staying fit and slim.


Very few people have the luxury of time to work out every day for one or two hours in the gym, but these simple fitness tricks can definitely help you to stay fit and fine.



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