Breast Conserving surgery ! A death trap?

Posted by KETAN VAGHOLKAR on Fri, Nov 11, 2011  
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Breast conserving surgery for cancer of the breast has become a common treatment in younger age group patients.It only gives a false sense of aesthetic preservation of the breast. Local surgery followed by radiation therapy causes very bad damage to the morphology of the breast.Again the patient is always stressed by the fact that a recurrence could happen any time. When recurrences happen which is a very common ocurrence  these days due to wrong selection of patients and improper study of the histopathology reports thereafter, the disease has already spread far and wide beyond the hope of resurection thus causing premature death.A good radical surgery in the first instance still gives a long lasting control in most patients with excellent survival rates.BCt as it is called is a mere marketing gimic devoid of sound surgical fundamentals just to woo more patients for surgery done by a few surgeons.It is my sincere advice to breast cancer patients not to fall  prey to this dangerous modality of treatment commonly designated as BCT.


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