Blood Sugar Control Lies In Lifestyle Changes.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Fri, Dec 25, 2009  
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Diabetes or high blood sugar has turned to be the gift that the present generation has gifted themselves. When I say gift you may think I am wrong, but the present generation has by their lifestyle acquired this disease, which is the stepping stone to other diseases of the heart. Yes, we all are right in thinking that once we take effective step to make lifestyle changes we can live a life free of high blood sugar or diabetes. 


Firstly a healthy diet helps controlling blood sugar . The first step in this direction is to eliminate if you are a diabetic or atleast reduce the use of fats, sugar and salt. Ones diet should provide about 500 kcal a day. Wholegrain and multigrain cereals and wheat should be included in ones diet. The consumption of rice is not good. Animal products like saturated fats, eggs, fullcream milk are contraindicated.In addition it is better to avoid red meat as they are prone to cause infection sometimes. Any person opting to make a lifestyle change of turning to be a vegan would benefit by being able to effect blood sugar control. 


Next, one can make lifestyle changes by including a lot of fruits and green vegetables in ones diet. They contribute as vitamins and minerals besides fiber.Oats as a cereal contributes to fiber intake in diet. They have a low glycemic index which helps in regulating digestion and sugar release process. Processed and refined foods should be avoided and simple and natural food opted for making effective blood sugar control.

Dear friends, physical activity and exercise helps in controlling blood sugar. It is best to include 30 to 45 minutes of exercise a day. However increase the exercise time gradually. In addition those who are already suffering from the complications of diabetes like retinopathy or autonomic neuropathy should be very careful before taking up strenous exercise. Simple aerobic exercises like walking, swimming and cycling can be included in daily routine which contributes to effective lifestyle.

Foot care could be one of the most important way to make lifestyle change. It is good to take care beforehand rather than reaching at extreme complications of high blood sugar. Negligence can lead to extreme consequences leading even to the amputation of ones foot. Precautions like never to walk barefoot and to take care to wear well-fitting shoes and slippers can be taken.  Simple cracks, bruises and moisture should be avoided on the foot. It is best to check on toe webs and swellings on the toe and foot.


Hence friends do consider it a call to make lifestyle changes giving attention to diet, exercise, and personal hygiene and enjoy life kingsize. 


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