All about kiddie tantrums

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Feb 20, 2011  
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Kids can be both sweet and cunning. Don’t fall under their trap for they know exactly how to manipulate things and make you dance around their little fingers. ‘Kiddie Power’ is at its highest so be smart and powerful enough to match their moves.


Kids Know How Tantrums Work

We all know how difficult it is to go for shopping with kids. They fix their gaze on a particular thing and if we refuse to give it to them they throw a tantrum. “Temper tantrums are very common and are a part of their development phase. So there is nothing to get worried. By being grumpy or clingy or throwing a tantrum, they are only trying to assert their independence,” says psychologist Dr. Seema Hingorani.


 Don’t get embarrassed by his tantrums. Give him the chance to be independent. Do not react to his tantrum, but just start responding to it. Before going for a shopping trip to the mall, just tell him that he will get just one thing that he likes as reward for his good behaviour, and then give him the independence to decide what he wants. At the same time make him understand the value of money. Tell him that money does not come easily and that one needs to work hard to get it and hence money cannot be wasted.


Kids can be manipulative

Your child wants to hang out with his friends and you refuse it for some valid reason. But he continues to play around with his friends till eight O’clock in the evening and says that he has taken permission from his father. It’s time to set up rules for your kids. And make it very clear to him that those rules that you have put forward are in confirmation with your spouse. Make another point also very clear to him that in no circumstances can he disobey the rules.


Kids can emotionally blackmail you

If kids by any chance can smell that you have a little soft corner for your other child or may be some other kid in the neighbourhood, he might blame you for favouratism. He might also say that you love the other child more than him. He does this to make you feel guilty.


“It is definitely wrong on the part of the kids to blame their parents for differentiation, but parents too sometimes knowingly or unknowing draw comparison between their own kids and even with their friends.  This affects the child’s sentiment and they get emotionally hurt,” says Dr. Hingorani. Stop drawing comparison between your children or for that matter with any other kid. Every child is different and unique. So appreciate your child for his own abilities and make him feel special so that he does not get a chance to complain against your behaviour.


Kids have a strong power of persistence

Your child wants an expensive toy and he tells you to buy that for him. You answer him that you will think about it. Every day he keeps pestering you and asking you when are you planning to buy him the toy and finally you give in to it.  This is a typical example of an impulsive kid who lacks patience. Kids have the tendency to keep persisting unless their demands are met. It is best not to give in to their irrational demands. We as parents must resort to limit setting.





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