Posted by Hannah Punitha on Mon, Dec 23, 2013  
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Are you facing a hoard of skin problems this winter? May be your skin has become rough and dry. You may also have hair problems like dandruff, hair fall, itchiness and dryness.

Cracked feet, calluses and corn problems can worsen your winter worries. Rubbing lotions and creams offer only a temporary relief.

A routine winter care regime will keep your skin flawless and your hair healthy and lustrous. We give you a sample tip to toe winter care guide that will take care of your winter woes.

Oils and your face

Oils are essential for every type of skin, specially during winter. The anti-ageing properties of oils are more effective than creams and also help tighten the skin.

For people with oily skin

Try almond oil or grape seed oil in winter to moisturize your skin before going to bed instead of a night cream.

For people with dry skin

Olive oil does the magic for people with dry skin. Take a few drops and just dab.

Scrub your body with bath salts

Bath salts not only exfoliate dead cells but provide a glow to the skin and makes it smooth and silky. Hence it is always advisable to use bath salts rather than the regular scrubs during winter.Bath salts refresh your tired body. Relieves you from back pain and also cures sore feet.

The oil content in bath salts moisturizes and hydrates the skin and improves its quality.

Moisturize your lips

Skin on the lips are thinner than any other part of the body. They get chapped and dry easily. During winter it is important to care of your lips during the day so that they do not look scaled. Apply lip butter every hour to keep your lips moisturized. Get rid of dead cells by scrubbing the lips with lemon and sugar.

Use hand creams

After even a simple wash with water even without using a soap or a hand wash our hands get dry in winter. Select a hand cream that has milk in it. Apply them after every single wash to keep your hand soft and supple. At night massage them with coconut or olive oil mixed with almond oil. Go for a mild hand wash lotion rather than a soap.

To be continued tomorrow......


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