A Message of Hope from Children with Progeria during this Pandemic

Posted by Lingaraj Chakkarappan on Thu, May 28, 2020  
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The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19 pandemic, has gripped the world at a whirlwind speed, and children with the rare, rapid-aging disease called Progeria are taking essential precautions while still sending the world messages of hope and inspiration. Progeria is a genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly. These children experience age-related issues, such as heart disease and osteoarthritis. Out of the estimated 60 children living in India with Progeria, The Progeria Research Foundation (PRF) has identified 18 and given them access to vital resources, including a treatment that can help them live longer, more active lives. Without treatment, these children die at an average age of 14.5 years.  PRF is looking for support in identifying more children so that they can get access to this treatment, as well as PRF’s other programs and services.

Staying safe and healthy is the biggest priority, and these kids are using their time creatively to maintain a positive outlook. Aaditya Sahu, 9 years, from Chhattisgarh, loves to draw. He aspires to become a painter one day and is using this time to create masterpieces. Aahan Maheshwari, 7 years, from Rajasthan, is happy to have his family members around him at home, and he loves playing board games with them. For him, this is a relaxing way to productively spend time with his family. Prachi Kumari, 8 years, from Bihar, loves playing with her dolls, while aspiring singer Shreyash Barmate, 13, from Jabalpur, has learned to play new songs on his piano.

Their inspirational stories tell us that this is the right time to indulge in our hobbies which we may have forsaken during all these years. Losing hope in these uncertain times is obvious, but these children have a special message to share – stay at home, stay safe, and whatever is your hobby, do it now!  

If you know any child with Progeria, kindly drop a mail to info@progeriaresearch.org.
[Video link for reference - https://www.facebook.com/TeamNihal/videos/216150709808290]
Courtesy by  -  MediaMedic Communication.



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