A Little Extra Out of Life

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Dec 13, 2011  
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A little extra out of life does not mean that you want some extra money or extra clothes; it is just that you want something extra out of life. Don’t rush through life. Stop to smell the lovely fragrance of flowers. Never try to limit your capacities of breathing in life. You are never too young or old to experience the beauties of life.


One day in a week just let loose everything. Just be eager and energetic on that particular day. Just talk about all things positive. Talk only about happiness and the good things that have happened to you. Look for paths that are smooth and clear, spend time with people who are positive and close to your heart.


Close your eyes and say a prayer which you understand and which has a deep personal meaning to you, which fills you with an overflowing sense of peace. Try and recollect all pleasant events in life. Write a journal of all your good times, it may be just a walk in the rain, but it must have given you immense pleasure. When your present makes you feel low, think about the past that has made you feel happy. There is a priceless legacy in pleasant recollections laughter that never fades from your body’s cellular memory.


Discover bigger life. Stop complaining and make space in your life. It is only when you stop crying about how life has been good to you, it is then only can you start living in a bigger and better way. When you have grudges and complains dug deep inside you it is only then that you feel sick and low in energy. Happiness is your choice and when you are not happy from within it will show on your face. Say to yourself life is good, life is great and nobody can make me happy or sad and I have full control over myself and it is completely my choice to stay happy today.


Anybody you meet on your life’s journey is the person you are meant to meet. The person represents something significant to teach you or help you resolve an issue or prevent a disaster. It may not be always a pleasant meeting, but remember pleasant or unpleasant, it helps you to move in the right direction.


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